Click or drag to resize
SoWinConstrainedViewer Properties

The SoWinConstrainedViewer type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCameraTypeChangeCallback

Defines a callback which is called each time the camera type has changed (change from OIV.Inventor.Nodes.SoPerspectiveCamera to OIV.Inventor.Nodes.SoOrthographicCamera or vice versa).

(Inherited from SoWinViewer.)
Public propertyContextMenu
Gets/sets application specific contextual menu.
(Inherited from SoWinFullViewer.)
Public propertyCursor

Sets the current cursor.

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public propertyCursorEnabled

Sets whether the viewer is allowed to change the cursor over the renderArea window.

(Inherited from SoWinViewer.)
Public propertyDecimationPercentageCallback

Registers decimation percentage callback.

(Inherited from SoWinViewer.)
Public propertyEventFunction
Sets the event delegate that will be called before viewer process keyboard or mouse event.
(Inherited from SoWinRenderArea.)
Public propertyFramesPerSecondCallback

Registers frames per second callback.

(Inherited from SoWinViewer.)
Public propertyHandle
Implements Handle.
(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public propertyIsDefaultContextMenuEnabled

Enables/disables the viewer popup menu (default enabled).

(Inherited from SoWinFullViewer.)
Public propertyPostRenderCallback

Specifies a function to be called after the Open Inventor render traversal and immediately before the OpenGL buffer swap.

(Inherited from SoWinRenderArea.)
Public propertySeekMode

Externally set the viewer into/out off seek mode (default OFF).

(Inherited from SoWinViewer.)
Public propertyWindowCloseCallback

Sets the delegate to invoke when the user closes this component (double click in the upper left corner) - by default Hide() is called on this component, unless a delegate is specified.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
See Also