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PoMeshFilleduseOverallNormal Property

Indicates if a single overall normal vector can be used to render this mesh representation.

Namespace: OIV.MeshViz.Data
Assembly: OIV.MeshViz (in OIV.MeshViz.dll) Version: (
public SoSFBool useOverallNormal { get; }

Property Value

Type: SoSFBool

Default is false.

If the current mesh is a 2D mesh (it does not contain 3D coordinates and the zValuesIndex field = -1) and all the cells have the same orientation, then this field can be set to true. This reduces system memory usage and improves rendering performance. If the field is false, MeshViz computes one normal per vertex of the shape rendered.

This field should be set to true only when all the cells of the mesh have the same orientation. This field is ignored if the mesh contains 3D coordinates or the zValuesIndex field is not -1.

See Also