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SoSurfaceFittingApproximation3d Properties

The SoSurfaceFittingApproximation3d type exposes the following members.

Public propertybottomBoundaryCondition

The type of boundary conditions for the bottom boundary.

Public propertydetectionType

Defines the criterion on which a vertex will be kept as the best fit.

Public propertydirections

Defines the search direction for each vertex.

Public propertydirichletValues

Dirichlet values for left, right, top and bottom boundary conditions.

Public propertydistance

Defines the maximum distance that vertices can be moved.

Public propertyinFeatureImage

Input 3D image containing weight values.

Public propertyinSurface

Input surface.

Public propertyIsDisposable
ISafeDisposable interface implementation.
(Inherited from SoDisposable.)
Public propertyleftBoundaryCondition

The type of boundary conditions for the left boundary.

Public propertyoutDirections

Directions along which the most fitted value was searched.

Public propertyoutSurface

Output surface with fitted vertices.

Public propertyregularizationType

The type of regularization used to enforce the smoothness of the mesh.

Public propertyrightBoundaryCondition

The type of boundary conditions for the right boundary.

Public propertysmoothing

A regularization is applied on the fitted mesh in order to smooth it and limit the effect of outliers.

Public propertythresholdLevel

Defines a range of values that can be considered for the best fit.

Public propertytopBoundaryCondition

The type of boundary conditions for the top boundary.

Public propertyUserData
Gets or sets the user data to be contained by the field container.
(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
See Also