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SoMedianFilterProcessingKernelModes Enumeration

Namespace: OIV.ImageViz.Engines.ImageFiltering.SmoothingAndDenoising
Assembly: OIV.ImageViz (in OIV.ImageViz.dll) Version: (
public enum KernelModes
  Member nameValueDescription

This mode performs an iterative median filtering of the input image.

In 2D: iteratively, a pixel is assigned to the median value in a 3x3 neighborhood around the corresponding pixel in the previous iteration. The same goes in 3D but the neighborhood is controlled by the 3D connectivity (6-, 18- or 26-direct neighbors). In ITERATIVE mode the elementSize field represents the number of iterations. The ITERATIVE mode is recommended to be used with 2D image with an elementSize lower than 3. For greater values, ITERATIVE mode is faster than SQUARE mode but doesn't change significantly the results, while SQUARE mode applies the filter in the effective window size.


This mode specifies a square neighborhood in 2D or a cube neighborhood in 3D.

In 2D, it will produce a square of side 2 x elementSize + 1 pixels. In 3D, it will produce a cube with of size 2 x elementSize + 1 voxels.


This mode specifies a disk neighborhood in 2D or a sphere neighborhood in 3D.

In 2D, it will produce a disk with of diameter 2 x + 1 pixels. In 3D, it will produce a spshee of diameter 2 x elementSize + 1 voxels.
