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PoPieChart2D Properties

The PoPieChart2D type exposes the following members.

Public propertyarrowHeight

Height of the arrow.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyarrowVisibility

Visibility of the arrow.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyarrowWidth

Width of the arrow.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyboundingBoxIgnoring

Whether to ignore this node during bounding box traversal.

(Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public propertycenter

Center of the pie chart.

Public propertyextAnnotAddString

String concatened with exterior values.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyextAnnotAddStringVisibility

Specify the visibility of a string concatenated with the exterior values (if they are visible).

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyextAnnotAlignment

Exterior annotation alignment.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyextAnnotDistance1

Distance from the pie chart center to the end of the arrow.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyextAnnotDistance2

Distance from the end of the arrow to the middle of the arrow.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyextAnnotDistance3

Distance from the middle of the arrow to the start of the arrow.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyextAnnotPercentFontName

Exterior percentage font name.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyextAnnotPercentFontSize

Font size of exterior percentages.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyextAnnotPercentVisibility

Exterior percent visibility (percent are computed from sliceValue field)

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyextAnnotPosition

Exterior annotation position.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyextAnnotTextFontName

Exterior text (texts of sliceText field) font name.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyextAnnotTextFontSize

Font size of exterior texts (texts of sliceText field).

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyextAnnotTextVisibility

Exterior text visibility (texts of sliceText field).

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyextAnnotValueFontName

Exterior value (values of sliceValue field) font name.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyextAnnotValueFontSize

Font size of exterior values (values of sliceValue field).

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyextAnnotValueVisibility

Exterior value visibility (values of sliceValue field).

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyintAnnotAddString

String concatened with interior values.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyintAnnotAddStringVisibility

Specify the visibility of a string concatenated with the interior values (if they are visible).

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyintAnnotAlignment

Interior annotation alignment.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyintAnnotDistance

Distance from the pie chart center to the interior annotation box center.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyintAnnotPercentFontName

Interior percentage font name.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyintAnnotPercentFontSize

Font size of interior percentages.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyintAnnotPercentVisibility

Interior percent visibility (percent are computed from sliceValue field)

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyintAnnotPosition

Interior annotation position.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyintAnnotTextFontName

Interior text (texts of sliceText field) font name.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyintAnnotTextFontSize

Font size of interior texts (texts of sliceText field).

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyintAnnotTextVisibility

Interior text visibility (texts of sliceText field).

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyintAnnotValueFontName

Interior value (values of sliceValue field) font name.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyintAnnotValueFontSize

Font size of interior values (values of sliceValue field).

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyintAnnotValueVisibility

Interior value visibility (values of sliceValue field).

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyIsDisposable
ISafeDisposable interface implementation.
(Inherited from SoDisposable.)
Public propertyradius

Radius of the pie chart.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertysliceAngleStep

Slice are approximated by a polygon, that is a sequence of straight line segments.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertysliceColor

Color associated to each slice of the pie chart.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertysliceGroupActive

Activate or Deactivate the regrouping of small values.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertysliceGroupFlagMin

Indicate if the value sliceGroupMinValue is interpreted as percentage (PERCENTAGE) or not (ABSOLUTE).

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertysliceGroupMinValue

Threshold underneath the slice are regrouped.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertysliceGroupString

String for the regrouping slice.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertysliceText

Text associated to each slice of the pie chart.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertysliceToTranslateNumber

Numbers (slice numbers begin at 0) of the slices to translate.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertysliceToTranslateValue

Translation values along the bisectors of the slices.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertysliceValue

Value associated to each slice of the pie chart.

(Inherited from PoPieChart.)
Public propertyUserData
Gets or sets the user data to be contained by the field container.
(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
See Also