RenderAreaListenerOnRefusedEncoder Method |
Triggered when a frame encoder cannot be initialized.
Namespace: OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering
public virtual void OnRefusedEncoder( RenderArea renderArea, Connection sender, FrameEncoders encoders )
: the OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering.RenderArea of the OIV.RemoteViz.Rendering.Connection
: the connection that requests frame encoders
: frame encoders refused by the connection
If this case occurs, set another frame encoder. The status of encoders explains the reason for refusal.
Default behavior: Try to load other encoders automatically (fallback): H264_NVENC/H264_NVENC => VP9_VPX/VP9_VPX => H264_OPENH264/H264_OPENH264 => PNG/JPEG => JPEG/JPEG Fallback directly to JPEG/JPEG if the pair of frame encoders are incompatible. If none of frame encoders can be initialized, the connection will be closed.