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SoCADInputReaderParametersImportOptionForceTesselation Property

Some CAD formats store faceted data in addition to the B-Rep.

Namespace: OIV.Inventor.IO.CAD
Assembly: OIV.Inventor.IO.CAD (in OIV.Inventor.IO.CAD.dll) Version: (
public bool ForceTesselation { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: Boolean

If forceTesselation is true, then this representation is ignored and a tesselation will be generated from the B-Rep. If forceTesselation is false, the faceted representation is used and other parameters are ignored (including tesselationparameters).

Note: using faceted data greatly improves import performance (both time and memory consumption).

Default: false

Note Note

Member available since Open Inventor 9.6

See Also