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PoGenAxis Properties

The PoGenAxis type exposes the following members.

Public propertyarrowHeight

Arrow height.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertyarrowLength

Arrow length.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertyarrowVisibility

Arrow visibility.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertyboundingBoxIgnoring

Whether to ignore this node during bounding box traversal.

(Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public propertyend

Defines the end of the axis.

(Inherited from PoCartesianAxis.)
Public propertygradAddString

String to be concatenated.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertygradAddStringVisibility

Specify the visibility of a string concatenated with the graduations.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertygradDistAxis

Distance from the graduations to the axis.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertygradEnd

Defines the value of the graduation (tick label) corresponding to the end coordinate of this axis.

(Inherited from PoCartesianAxis.)
Public propertygradFontName

Graduations font name.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertygradFontSize

Font size of the graduations.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertygradList

List of graduations.

Public propertygradPath

Graduations path.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertygradPosition

Graduations position.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertygradStart

Defines the value of the graduation (tick label) corresponding to the starting coordinate of this axis.

(Inherited from PoCartesianAxis.)
Public propertygradVisibility

Graduations visibility.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertygridLengthGradOtherSide

Grid lines length other side graduation texts.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertygridLengthGradSide

Grid lines length side graduation texts.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertygridVisibility

Grid lines visibility.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertyIsDisposable
ISafeDisposable interface implementation.
(Inherited from SoDisposable.)
Public propertymarginEnd

Margin at the end of the axis.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertymarginStart

Margin at the start of the axis.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertymarginType

Relative or absolute margin.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertyreverseFlag

Allow to reverse the writing path of all axis texts.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertystart

Defines the start of the axis.

(Inherited from PoCartesianAxis.)
Public propertytickFirstGrad

First graduation to display.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertytickLastGrad

Last graduation to display (number starting with the ending one).

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertytickMainLength

Main graduations ticks length.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertytickNumOrPeriod

Number of secondary graduations (tickSubDef = NUM_SUB_TICK), or period of texts of graduations (tickSubDef = PERIOD_MAIN_TICK).

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertytickPosition

Position of the tick marks.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertytickSubDef

Secondary graduations tick definition.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertytickSubLength

Secondary graduations ticks length.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertytickVisibility

Tick marks visibility.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertytitleDistAxis

Distance from the title to the axis.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertytitleFontName

Title font name.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertytitleFontSize

Font size of the title.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertytitlePath

Path of the title.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertytitlePosition

Position of the title.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertytitleString

Title string.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertytitleVisibility

Visibility of the title.

(Inherited from PoAxis.)
Public propertytype

Type of the axis (XY, XZ, YX, ...

(Inherited from PoCartesianAxis.)
Public propertyUserData
Gets or sets the user data to be contained by the field container.
(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
See Also