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SbCylinderSectionProjector Methods

The SbCylinderSectionProjector type exposes the following members.

Public methodCopy

Creates and returns an exact copy of the projector.

(Inherited from SbProjector.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetCylinder

Gets the cylinder on which to project points.

(Inherited from SbCylinderProjector.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Overrides GetHashCode().
(Inherited from SoNetBase.)
Public methodGetRotation

Gets a rotation given two points on this cylinder projector.

(Inherited from SbCylinderProjector.)
Public methodGetTolerance

Gets the edge tolerance as a fraction of the radius of the cylinder.

Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetViewVolume

Get the view volume to use for the projection.

(Inherited from SbProjector.)
Public methodGetWorkingSpace

Get the transform space to work in.

(Inherited from SbProjector.)
Public methodIntersect

Applies the projector using the given line in world coordinates, returning the point in three dimensions that it projects to.

(Inherited from SbProjector.)
Public methodIsFront

Gets whether the projector should intersect the half of the cylinder that faces the eye.

(Inherited from SbCylinderProjector.)
Public methodIsOrientToEye

Gets whether the projector should always be oriented towards the eye.

(Inherited from SbCylinderProjector.)
Public methodIsPointInFront

Gets whether the projector should intersect the half of the cylinder that faces the eye.

(Inherited from SbCylinderProjector.)
Public methodIsWithinTolerance

Finds whether this point on the cylinder or tolerance plane is within tolerance.

Public methodProject

Apply the projector using the given point, returning the point in three dimensions that it projects to.

(Inherited from SbProjector.)
Public methodProjectAndGetRotation

Applies the projector using the given point, returning the point in three dimensions that it projects to.

(Inherited from SbCylinderProjector.)
Public methodSetCylinder

Sets the cylinder on which to project points.

(Inherited from SbCylinderProjector.)
Public methodSetFront

Sets whether the projector should intersect the half of the cylinder that faces the eye.

(Inherited from SbCylinderProjector.)
Public methodSetOrientToEye

Sets whether the projector should always be oriented towards the eye.

(Inherited from SbCylinderProjector.)
Public methodSetTolerance

Sets the edge tolerance as a fraction of the radius of the cylinder.

Public methodSetViewVolume

Set the view volume to use for the projection.

(Inherited from SbProjector.)
Public methodSetWorkingSpace

Set the transform space to work in.

(Inherited from SbProjector.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also