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SoDataSensor Methods

The SoDataSensor type exposes the following members.

Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Overrides GetHashCode().
(Inherited from SoNetBase.)
Public methodGetPriority

Gets the priority of the sensor.

(Inherited from SoDelayQueueSensor.)
Public methodGetTriggerChild

If this is a priority 0 data sensor, and a change to a group node's children caused this sensor to be triggered (getTriggerType returns GROUP_ADD_CHILD, GROUP_INSERT_CHILD, or GROUP_REPLACE_CHILD), returns the node that was added to the group, and NULL in all other cases.

Public methodGetTriggerChildIndex

If this is a priority 0 data sensor, and a change to a group node's children caused this sensor to be triggered (getTriggerType returns GROUP_ADD_CHILD, GROUP_INSERT_CHILD, or GROUP_REPLACE_CHILD), returns the index of the node that was added or removed, and -1 in all other cases.

Public methodGetTriggerFastEditInfo

Returns true if the triggered changes come from a field or node that was below a Separator with a fastEditPolicy field with a value different than OFF.

Public methodGetTriggerFastEditInfoFlag

Queries the flag that indicates whether the trigger path fastEdit info (see OIV.Inventor.Sensors.SoDataSensor.GetTriggerFastEditInfo()) is available to delegates.

Public methodGetTriggerField

If this is a priority 0 data sensor, returns the field that was modified that caused this sensor to trigger.

Public methodGetTriggerMFieldNumValues

If this is a priority 0 data sensor, and a change in the data values of a multiple field (e.g., OIV.Inventor.Fields.SoMFVec3f) caused this sensor to be triggered, returns the size of the range of the potentially changed values.

Public methodGetTriggerMFieldStartIndex

If this is a priority 0 data sensor, and a change in the data values of a multiple field (e.g., OIV.Inventor.Fields.SoMFVec3f) caused this sensor to be triggered, returns the first index of the range of the potentially changed values.

Public methodGetTriggerNode

If this is a priority 0 data sensor, returns the node that was modified that caused this sensor to trigger.

Public methodGetTriggerPath

If this is a priority 0 data sensor, returns a path to the node that caused this sensor to trigger.

Public methodGetTriggerPathFlag

Queries the flag that indicates whether the trigger path (see OIV.Inventor.Sensors.SoDataSensor.GetTriggerPath()) is available to delegates.

Public methodGetTriggerType

If this is a priority 0 data sensor, returns the type of change that occurred.

Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsIdleOnly
(Inherited from SoDelayQueueSensor.)
Public methodIsScheduled

Returns true if this sensor has been scheduled and is waiting in a sensor queue to be triggered.

(Inherited from SoSensor.)
Public methodSchedule
(Inherited from SoSensor.)
Public methodSetPriority

Sets the priority of the sensor.

(Inherited from SoDelayQueueSensor.)
Public methodSetTriggerFastEditInfoFlag

Sets the flag that indicates whether the trigger path fastEdit info (see OIV.Inventor.Sensors.SoDataSensor.GetTriggerFastEditInfo()) is available to delegatemethods.

Public methodSetTriggerPathFlag

Sets the flag that indicates whether the trigger path (see OIV.Inventor.Sensors.SoDataSensor.GetTriggerPath()) is available to delegatemethods.

Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUnschedule
(Inherited from SoSensor.)
See Also