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HTTPRequest Properties

The HTTPRequest type exposes the following members.

Public propertyContentLength

Returns the value of the Content-Length header field.

Public propertyContentType

Returns the value of the Content-Type header field.

Public propertyHeaders

Returns HTTP headers.

Public propertyHost

Returns the value of the Host header field.

Public propertyMethod

Returns the request method ("GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "CONNECT", "OPTIONS", "TRACE", "PATH").

Public propertyURI

Returns the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) being requested.

Public propertyVersion

Returns the HTTP version for incoming request (example "HTTP/1.1").

Public propertyVersionMajor

HTTP uses a "major.minor" numbering scheme to indicate versions of the protocol.

Public propertyVersionMinor

HTTP uses a "major.minor" numbering scheme to indicate versions of the protocol.

See Also