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PoSingleHistogram Properties

The PoSingleHistogram type exposes the following members.

Public propertybarSpaceType

Type of bar spacing.

(Inherited from PoHistogram.)
Public propertybarSpaceValue

Spacing value.

(Inherited from PoHistogram.)
Public propertyboundingBoxIgnoring

Whether to ignore this node during bounding box traversal.

(Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public propertycolor

Color list for the histogram bars.

(Inherited from PoHistogram.)
Public propertycoloring

Specifies how the histogram bars are colored.

(Inherited from PoHistogram.)
Public propertyend

Define the end point of the histogram.

(Inherited from PoHistogram.)
Public propertyIsDisposable
ISafeDisposable interface implementation.
(Inherited from SoDisposable.)
Public propertyname

Names of each bars of the histogram.

Public propertynameFontName

Font name of bars names.

(Inherited from PoHistogram.)
Public propertynameFontSize

Font size of bars names.

(Inherited from PoHistogram.)
Public propertynamePath

Bars names path.

(Inherited from PoHistogram.)
Public propertynamePosition

Bars names position in relation to histograms bars.

(Inherited from PoHistogram.)
Public propertynameVisibility

Bars names visibility.

(Inherited from PoHistogram.)
Public propertystart

Define the start point of the histogram.

(Inherited from PoHistogram.)
Public propertytype

Defines if the histogram is an X histogram (bars are perpendicular to the X- axis) or a Y histogram (bars are perpendicular to the Y-axis).

(Inherited from PoHistogram.)
Public propertyUserData
Gets or sets the user data to be contained by the field container.
(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public propertyvalue

Values of each bars of the histogram.

Public propertyvalueAddString

String to be concatenated.

(Inherited from PoHistogram.)
Public propertyvalueAddStringVisibility

Visibility of the string concatenated to the values.

(Inherited from PoHistogram.)
Public propertyvalueFontName

Font name of values.

(Inherited from PoHistogram.)
Public propertyvalueFontSize

Font size of values.

(Inherited from PoHistogram.)
Public propertyvaluePath

Values path.

(Inherited from PoHistogram.)
Public propertyvaluePosition

Values position in relation to histogram bars.

(Inherited from PoHistogram.)
Public propertyvalueVisibility

Values visibility.

(Inherited from PoHistogram.)
See Also