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SoDirectionalBlendProcessing2dSymmetryModes Enumeration

Namespace: OIV.ImageViz.Engines.ArithmeticAndLogic.ArithmeticOperations
Assembly: OIV.ImageViz (in OIV.ImageViz.dll) Version: (
public enum SymmetryModes
  Member nameValueDescription

The blending is performed along the horizontal axis.

  • The first column of the output image is filled with 100% of the first input image intensities.

  • The last column of the output image is filled with 100% of the second input image intensities.

  • The middle column of output image is filled with 50% of the first input and 50% of the second input image intensities.

  • Other columns are filled by a linear combination of both input image intensities.


The blending is performed along the vertical axis.

  • The first row of the output image is filled with 100% of the first input image intensities.

  • The last row of the output image is filled with 100% of the second input image intensities.

  • The middle row of output image is filled with 50% of the first input and 50% of the second input image intensities.

  • Other rows are filled by a linear combination of both input image intensities.
