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SoImageDataAdapterInterpretations Enumeration

Image Interpretation.

Namespace: OIV.ImageViz.Nodes.Images
Assembly: OIV.ImageViz (in OIV.ImageViz.dll) Version: (
public enum Interpretations
  Member nameValueDescription

Image is a grayscale or color image.

A ‘VALUE’ type image with exactly 3 or 4 channels is assumed to be a color image (RGB or RGBA). In all other cases, each channel is independently treated as a grayscale image.


Image is a collection of objects defined by id (label) values.

In other words, the value of each voxel is a label id. If the image has multiple channels, e.g. a color image, only the first channel is used. Using a raw (unsegmented) grayscale image as input may give unexpected results, e.g. a large number of very small objects.


Image is a mask.

In other words, the value of each voxel is a boolean. If a grayscale image is used as input, 0 is false and all other values are true. If the image has multiple channels, e.g. a color image, only the first channel is used.


This enumeration defines the way the data values in the image should be interpreted. Some engines require their input image to have a specific interpretation type and give an error if the interpretation type is incorrect. Engines automatically set the appropriate interpretation type in their output image(s). The application is responsible for setting the appropriate interpretation type in images created by the application, for example if a mask image is loaded from disk.

See Also