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SoMPEGFrameRenderer Class

Generates MPEG output, frame by frame.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: OIV.Inventor.MPEG
Assembly: OIV.Inventor (in OIV.Inventor.dll) Version: (
public class SoMPEGFrameRenderer : SoMPEGRenderer

The SoMPEGFrameRenderer type exposes the following members.

Public methodSoMPEGFrameRenderer


Public methodAddFrame

Low level method to add a new frame to the MPEG output from a buffer of unsigned characters.

(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodCloseFile

Closes the MPEG file previously opened with the OIV.Inventor.MPEG.SoMPEGRenderer.OpenFile(System.String, System.UInt32) method.

(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetBackgroundColor

Gets the background color for rendering each frame.

(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodGetComponents

Returns the number of color components of the frames recorded.

(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodGetCompressionRate

Returns the compression rate.

(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodGetGLRenderAction

Gets the GL Render action used to generate each frame.

(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Overrides GetHashCode().
(Inherited from SoNetBase.)
Public methodGetNumFramesPerSecond

Gets the number of frames per second to be encoded in the MPEG output.

(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodGetSceneGraph

Gets the scene graph used for generating frames in the MPEG output.

(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodGetShareContext

Gets the OpenGL context shared by this object.

(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodGetSize

Gets the frame pixel size.

(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsRecording

Returns true if this renderer is recording.

(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodIsViewerIdle
(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodOpenFile(String)
Calls OpenFile(filename, System.Convert.ToUInt32(10000)).
(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodOpenFile(String, UInt32)

Specifies the MPEG output file name.

(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodPause

Pauses the recording.

(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodRecord

Starts the recording.

(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodRecordFrame
Calls RecordFrame(System.Single(0)).
Public methodRecordFrame(Single)

Adds a new frame to the current MPEG output.

Public methodSetBackgroundColor

Sets the background color for rendering each frame.

(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodSetBitPerSec

This method allows the user to specify a fixed bit rate.

(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodSetComponents

Set the number of color components of the frames recorded.

(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodSetCompressionRate

Compression rate of the MPEG output.

(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodSetGLRenderAction

Sets the GL Render action used to generate each frame.

(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodSetNumFramesPerSecond

Sets the number of frames per second encoded in the MPEG output.

(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodSetSceneGraph

Sets the scene graph used for generating frames in the MPEG output.

(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodSetShareContext

Sets the OpenGL context to be shared by the OIV.Inventor.MPEG.SoMPEGRenderer.

(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodSetSize

Sets the frame pixel size.

(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodSetViewerIsIdle

Tells the recorder that the viewer is idle.

(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodStop

Stops the recording and closes the opened file.

(Inherited from SoMPEGRenderer.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)

This class generates MPEG output, frame by frame.

See the parent class OIV.Inventor.MPEG.SoMPEGRenderer for methods to specify the file and recording parameters.

See Also