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SoLDMDataAccessRequestData Method
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Public methodRequestData(Int32, SbBox3i32, SoBufferObject)

Given a subvolume in voxel coordinates, asynchronously copies the associated data into an application buffer.

Public methodRequestData(Int32, SbBox3i32, SbNativeArrayByte) Obsolete.

Public methodRequestData(Int32, SbBox3i32, SbLine, SoBufferObject)

Given a subvolume in voxel coordinates and a line, asynchronously copies the data intersecting the line and the subvolume into an application buffer.

Public methodRequestData(Int32, SbBox3i32, SbLine, SbNativeArrayByte) Obsolete.

Public methodRequestData(Int32, SbBox3i32, SbPlane, SoBufferObject)

Given a subvolume in voxel coordinates and a plane, asynchronously copies the data intersecting the plane and the subvolume into an application buffer.

Public methodRequestData(Int32, SbBox3i32, SbPlane, SbNativeArrayByte) Obsolete.

Public methodRequestData(Int32, SbBox3i32, SbVec2i32, SoBufferObject)

Data values in a single seismic trace (a row of voxels along the volume X axis) are asynchronously copied into an application buffer.

Public methodRequestData(Int32, SbBox3i32, SbVec2i32, SbNativeArrayByte) Obsolete.

Public methodRequestData(Int32, SbBox3i32, SbVec3i32, SoBufferObject)

Given a subvolume in voxel coordinates and a stack of line, asynchronously copies the data intersecting each line and the subvolume into an application buffer.

Public methodRequestData(Int32, SbBox3i32, SbVec3i32, SbNativeArrayByte) Obsolete.

See Also