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PoNonLinearDataMapping Properties

The PoNonLinearDataMapping type exposes the following members.

Public propertyColorMapping

Sets pointer to a callback function which computes a color from a real value.

Public propertyIsDisposable
ISafeDisposable interface implementation.
(Inherited from SoDisposable.)
Public propertymaxThreshold

Maximum threshold value.

(Inherited from PoDataMapping.)
Public propertymaxThresholdColor

Color associated to values >= maxThreshold.

(Inherited from PoDataMapping.)
Public propertymaxThresholdEnabled

Defines if the maximum threshold is enabled.

(Inherited from PoDataMapping.)
Public propertymaxThresholdTransparency

Transparency associated to values >= maxThreshold.

(Inherited from PoDataMapping.)
Public propertyminThreshold

Minimum threshold value.

(Inherited from PoDataMapping.)
Public propertyminThresholdColor

Color associated to values <= minThreshold.

(Inherited from PoDataMapping.)
Public propertyminThresholdEnabled

Defines if the minimum threshold is enabled.

(Inherited from PoDataMapping.)
Public propertyminThresholdTransparency

Transparency associated to values <= minThreshold.

(Inherited from PoDataMapping.)
Public propertytransparencyEnabled

Enable/Disable the taking into account of transparency.

(Inherited from PoDataMapping.)
Public propertyTransparencyMapping

Sets pointer to a callback function which computes a transparency from a real value.

Public propertytransparencyValueDeletedParts

Each primitive part of which transparency >= transparencyValueDeletedParts, is deleted.

(Inherited from PoDataMapping.)
Public propertyUserData
Gets or sets the user data to be contained by the field container.
(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
See Also