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DicomInfo Fields

The DicomInfo type exposes the following members.

Public fieldalignmentH
Horizontal alignment of the text box (default is LEFT).
(Inherited from TextBox.)
Public fieldalignmentV
Vertical alignment of the text box (default is TOP).
(Inherited from TextBox.)
Public fieldborder
Enable drawing a border around the text box (default is FALSE).
(Inherited from TextBox.)
Public fieldborderColor
Border color (default is 1,1,1).
(Inherited from TextBox.)
Public fieldfileName
Path to the DICOM file used to extract DICOM info. Default is empty.
Public fieldfontName
Specify the font name (default is "Arial:Bold"). See for details
(Inherited from TextBox.)
Public fieldfontSize
Specify the font size in pixels (default is 15).
(Inherited from TextBox.)
Public fieldposition
Position of the text box in normalized screen coordinates (-1 to 1). Default is 0,0,0.
(Inherited from TextBox.)
Public fieldtextAlignH
Horizontal alignment of the text inside the box (default is LEFT).
(Inherited from TextBox.)
See Also