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SoClipPlaneManipSetValue Method

Convenience method to set the clip plane and the dragger position, orientation and size.

Namespace: OIV.Inventor.Manips
Assembly: OIV.Inventor (in OIV.Inventor.dll) Version: (
public void SetValue(
	SbBox3f box,
	SbVec3f planeNormal,
	float draggerScaleFactor


Type: OIV.InventorSbBox3f
Type: OIV.InventorSbVec3f
Type: SystemSingle

The clip plane will be the plane defined by planeNormal and the point at the center of box .

The dragger will be positioned at the center of box . The size of the dragger geometry will be the default size multiplied by a scale factor. This scale factor is the largest dimension of box multiplied by draggerScaleFactor . The default extent of the main part of OIV.Inventor.Draggers.SoJackDragger is 2, because it extends from -1 to 1 (note that the "arms" of this dragger extend further). Therefore to make the dragger fit inside the specified box, the draggerScaleFactor parameter should be set to 0.5.

See Also