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PoNonLinearDataMapping2 Properties

The PoNonLinearDataMapping2 type exposes the following members.

Public propertycolor

Defines the list of colors for the data mapping.

Public propertyIsDisposable
ISafeDisposable interface implementation.
(Inherited from SoDisposable.)
Public propertymaxThreshold

Maximum threshold value.

(Inherited from PoDataMapping.)
Public propertymaxThresholdColor

Color associated to values >= maxThreshold.

(Inherited from PoDataMapping.)
Public propertymaxThresholdEnabled

Defines if the maximum threshold is enabled.

(Inherited from PoDataMapping.)
Public propertymaxThresholdTransparency

Transparency associated to values >= maxThreshold.

(Inherited from PoDataMapping.)
Public propertyminThreshold

Minimum threshold value.

(Inherited from PoDataMapping.)
Public propertyminThresholdColor

Color associated to values <= minThreshold.

(Inherited from PoDataMapping.)
Public propertyminThresholdEnabled

Defines if the minimum threshold is enabled.

(Inherited from PoDataMapping.)
Public propertyminThresholdTransparency

Transparency associated to values <= minThreshold.

(Inherited from PoDataMapping.)
Public propertytransparency

Defines the list of transparencies for the data mapping.

Public propertytransparencyEnabled

Enable/Disable the taking into account of transparency.

(Inherited from PoDataMapping.)
Public propertytransparencyValueDeletedParts

Each primitive part of which transparency >= transparencyValueDeletedParts, is deleted.

(Inherited from PoDataMapping.)
Public propertytype

Defines the type of data mapping.

Public propertyUserData
Gets or sets the user data to be contained by the field container.
(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public propertyvalue

Defines the list of values for the data mapping.

See Also