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OIV.ImageViz.Engines.GeometryAndMatching.GeometricTransforms Namespace

Geometric Transforms engines are usually used to align images.

Public classSoFlipAxisProcessing2d
Public classSoFlipAxisProcessing3d
Public classSoResampleElasticProcessing2d
Public classSoResampleImageProcessing3d
Public classSoRotateAroundZProcessing2d
Public classSoRotateProcessing2d
Public classSoRotateProcessing3d
Public classSoScaleByFactorProcessing
Public classSoScaleImageToSizeProcessing
Public classSoSwapAxisProcessing2d
Public classSoSwapAxisProcessing3d
Public classSoTranslateProcessing
Public enumerationSoFlipAxisProcessing2dAxisSelections
Public enumerationSoFlipAxisProcessing3dAxisSelections
Public enumerationSoResampleElasticProcessing2dExtrapolationTypes

The type of extrapolation used.

Public enumerationSoResampleElasticProcessing2dInterpolationTypes

Type of interpolation used.

Public enumerationSoResampleImageProcessing3dInterpolationTypes

This enum defines the type of interpolation used.

Public enumerationSoResampleImageProcessing3dSamplingModes

This enum defines how the voxel size of the output image is computed.

Public enumerationSoRotateAroundZProcessing2dPrecisionModes

Method used to calculate the intensity of each result pixel.

Public enumerationSoRotateProcessing2dPrecisionModes

Method used to calculate the intensity of each result pixel.

Public enumerationSoRotateProcessing3dPrecisionModes

Method used to calculate the intensity of each result pixel.

Public enumerationSoScaleByFactorProcessingPrecisionModes

Method used to calculate the intensity of each result pixel.

Public enumerationSoScaleImageToSizeProcessingPrecisionModes

Method used to calculate the intensity of each result pixel.

Public enumerationSoSwapAxisProcessing3dTranspositionModes
Public enumerationSoTranslateProcessingBackgroundModes

For example, if the subject and camera were not ideally positioned, rotating the image may improve visualization. Rotation and translation may be used to align successive sections of CT scans or confocal microscope images. A combination of geometric transformations sometimes is used to restore satellite or remote sensing images.

In addition, some Visilog operations, such as erosion, dilation, and even edge detection, are usually implemented for the main directions of the grid: , , , etc. To erode an image in the direction, you could first rotate the image , and then perform a erosion. Be careful since the rotation will distort the image due to resampling.