Abstract class for all menu item nodes.
#include <DialogViz/dialog/SoMenuItem.h>
SoMenuItem is the abstract class for all menu item nodes. Menu item nodes are added in an SoMenuPopup.
For all of the derived classes, it is possible to define a mnemonic character and an accelerator key combination. (Note: SoMenuPopup cannot have an accelerator key combination). The mnemonic character, if any, is underlined in the label string. The purpose of menu accelerators is to allow the user to activate a menu item without opening any menus. Instead, the user can do it by using keyboard shortcuts. These key sequences are aligned on the right of the menu items.
To define a mnemonic and an accelerator, simply define the label field as follows:
The following examples show how accelerators must be formatted:
* "&Open\\tCtrl+O" * "&Save\\tCtrl+S" * "&Save As...\\tCtrl+Alt+S" * "New\\tF12" * ...
SoMenuBar, SoMenuCheckBox, SoMenuCheckBoxLauncher, SoMenuPopup, SoMenuPushButton, SoMenuPushButtonLauncher, SoMenuFileSelection, SoMenuRadioButtons, SoMenuSeparator