Package com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.edgedetection.edgemarking
With gradient (ex: SoGradientOperatorProcessing2d
) or laplacian (ex: SoRecursiveLaplacianProcessing
) engines, a 1D edge was defined as the local maximum of the magnitude of the first derivative, or the zero crossing of the second derivative. Unfortunately, this definition cannot be extended to 2D functions (like for instance SoGradientLocalMaximaProcessing2d
). In fact, an edge appears like a crest line on the magnitude of the gradient image and this leads us to define an edge as all the points whose gradient magnitude is maximum along the direction of the gradient, i.e the direction across the edge. This method, referred to as non-maxima suppression, provides thin lines which are much more convenient to handle.
Note that images of zero crossings of the Laplacian result in closed thin lines as they correspond to boundaries between positive and negative regions. Finally, we can take into account the specific geometry of a contour - its pixels are connected by using a more sophisticated threshold, the threshold by hysteresis (SoHysteresisThresholdingProcessing
This is in fact an intuitive method. We choose a high and low threshold, and
, and decide that all the pixels with intensity higher than
are edges and those with are edges and those with intensity less than
are noise. For the transition area
, i.e. pixels with intensity lies between
, we only retain the pixels connected by a line included in
to a pixel with a high intensity.
Class Summary Class Description SoCannyEdgeProcessing SoCannyEdgeProcessing.SbCannyEdgeDetectionDetail Results details of canny edge detection workflow.SoDijkstraShortestPathProcessing2d SoEigenvaluesToStructurenessProcessing2d SoEigenvaluesToStructurenessProcessing2d
engine computes a structure score image.SoEigenvaluesToStructurenessProcessing3d SoEigenvaluesToStructurenessProcessing3d
engine computes a structure score image.SoGaussianGradientTensorProcessing2d SoGaussianGradientTensorProcessing2d
engine computes the structure tensor.SoGaussianGradientTensorProcessing3d SoGaussianGradientTensorProcessing3d
engine computes the structure tensor.SoGradientLocalMaximaProcessing2d SoGradientLocalMaximaProcessing3d SoRidgeDetectionProcessing SoRidgeDetectionProcessing
engine.SoTensorVotingProcessing2d SoTensorVotingProcessing2d
engine.SoZeroCrossingsProcessing2d SoZeroCrossingsProcessing2d