Class PbHexahedronMesh3D

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PbHexahedronMesh3D
    extends PbIndexedMesh3D
    implements java.lang.Cloneable
    Defines a mesh of hexahedrons. Class to define an indexed 3D mesh made up of hexahedrons. This mesh is defined by a list of hexahedrons. Each hexahedron is defined by 8 indices of nodes.

    The nodes coordinates are defined by 3 arrays x_nod, y_nod, z_nod of num_nodes floats. The hexahedrons are defined by the array hexahedron_index of num_hexahedrons*8 integers. hexahedron_index[(n*8)+p] is the p-th node index of the n-th hexahedron of the mesh (0 <= p <= 7). Each hexahedron must be numbered by repecting the following rule : the 4 first indices define a facet of the hexahedron and orient it towards the interior of the hexahedron.

    Each facet of a hexahedron may have 2 references in the mesh, that is, one facet is common to 2 hexahedrons. The facets which are referred to once in the mesh define the mesh skin.

    The values on the mesh nodes are defined by the PbMesh.addValuesSet(set_index,val) method, where val argument is an array of num_nodes floats.

    • Constructor Detail

      • PbHexahedronMesh3D

        public PbHexahedronMesh3D()
        Calls PbHexahedronMesh3D(true).
      • PbHexahedronMesh3D

        public PbHexahedronMesh3D​(int num_nodes,
                                  float[] x_nod,
                                  float[] y_nod,
                                  float[] z_nod,
                                  int num_hexahedrons,
                                  int[] hexahedron_index)
        Calls PbHexahedronMesh3D(num_nodes, x_nod, y_nod, z_nod, num_hexahedrons, hexahedron_index, true).
      • PbHexahedronMesh3D

        public PbHexahedronMesh3D​(PbHexahedronMesh3D mesh)
        Copy constructor.
      • PbHexahedronMesh3D

        public PbHexahedronMesh3D​(boolean isDataDuplicate)
        Constructor of a default simple mesh. See also PbMesh for more explanations about data duplication.
      • PbHexahedronMesh3D

        public PbHexahedronMesh3D​(int num_nodes,
                                  float[] x_nod,
                                  float[] y_nod,
                                  float[] z_nod,
                                  int num_hexahedrons,
                                  int[] hexahedron_index,
                                  boolean is_data_duplicate)
        Constructor of a volume mesh. See also PbMesh for more explanations about data duplication.
    • Method Detail

      • setGeometry

        public void setGeometry​(int num_nodes,
                                float[] x_nod,
                                float[] y_nod,
                                float[] z_nod,
                                int num_hexahedrons,
                                int[] hexahedron_index)
        Sets a new geometry.