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SbCoocurrrenceDetail Properties

The SoCooccurrenceQuantification2dSbCoocurrrenceDetail type exposes the following members.

Public propertyASM

The angular second moment indicator.

Public propertyContrast

The contrast indicator.

Public propertyCorrelation

The correlation indicator.

Public propertyCorrelationInfo1

The correlation information measure 1.

Public propertyCorrelationInfo2

The correlation information measure 2.

Public propertyDifferenceEntropy

The difference entropy indicator.

Public propertyDifferenceVariance

The difference variance indicator.

Public propertyEntropy

The entropy indicator.

Public propertyIDM

The inverse difference moment (homogeneity).

Public propertyPixelNumber

The number of processed pixels.

Public propertySSV

The sum of square variance indicator.

Public propertySumAverage

The sum average indicator.

Public propertySumEntropy

The sum entropy indicator.

Public propertySumVariance

The sum variance indicator.

See Also