SoWinFinish Method |
Frees Open Inventor's internal static memory allocations.
Namespace: OIV.Inventor.Win
This avoids false positives from memory leak checking software. We recommend calling this method and it should be the last Open Inventor method called by the application. This method calls (), SoNodeKit.finish(), and SoInteraction.finish().
Note: Open Inventor objects should be destroyed before you call this method.
OIV.Inventor.Win.SoWin doesn't end properly: OIV.Inventor.Win.Viewers.SoWinExaminerViewer is destroyed after the OIV.Inventor.Win.SoWin.Finish() method has been called.
The OIV.Inventor.Win.Viewers.SoWinExaminerViewer (that uses Open Inventor) is destroyed before the OIV.Inventor.Win.SoWin.Finish() method is called.