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PlaneGeometryIntersection Fields

The PlaneGeometryIntersection type exposes the following members.

Public fieldautomatic
Specifies whether to recompute the intersection automatically or not (default true). If true, the intersection (curve or polygon depending on the #polygon field) will be re-computed automatically when the scene or the plane changes. If false, the intersection will only be re-computed when the recompute method is called.
Public fieldplane
Plane to intersect with. Default is (1,0,0) at 0 (same as SoClipPlane). Typically this field is connected from the clipping node's 'plane' field.
Public fieldpolygon
Specifies whether to compute a capping polygon (default false). If true, compute a capping polygon. If false, compute only the intersection curve.
Public fieldscene
Scene to intersect with plane. Default is none.
Public fieldtolerance
Tolerance for testing if vertices are equal. Default is 1e-6. This tolerance is used for calculation of triangle intersections with the plane.
See Also