<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extIP.gif" alt="ImageViz" border="0"></a> Class for all ImageViz...
Default constructor.
SoMFFloat feretAngles2D
List of 2D angles for measures using Feret 2D.
SoMFVec2f feretAngles3D
List of 3D angles for measures using Feret 3D.
SoSFBool neighborDistanceInSpatialUnit
Indicates if the cut-off distance is expressed in pixels (FALSE) or in spatial unit (TRUE).
SoMFVec2i32 cooccurrenceDirections
List of directions for measures using cooccurence.
SoMFFloat quantilePercents
List of 6 quantiles for measures using histogram with custom quantiles.
SoSFFloat histogramMinGrayLevel
Minimum gray level for histogram measures.
SoSFFloat neighborDistance
Distance to the current label boundaries where neighbors are searched (cut-off distance).
SoSFFloat histogramBinSize
Size of bins for histogram measures.
SoSFFloat overlap
Minimal percentage that must represent a label volume overlapping the searched area to be counted as ...
SoSFFloat histogramMaxGrayLevel
Maximum gray level for histogram measures.
SoSFInt32 breadth3DNumAngles
Define the number of angles used in BREADTH3D measure.
SoSFBool histogramAutoAdjust
When TRUE, measures use an auto computed histogram.
Abstract base class for objects that contain fields.
Multiple-value field containing any number of floating point values.
Multiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional vectors.
Multiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional vectors.
Field containing a single Boolean value.
Field containing a floating-point value.
Field containing a int32_t integer.