<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extTGS.gif" alt="VSG extension" border="0"></a> Utility class th...
SoLocation2Event * getMouseEnterEvent(int x, int y, bool isAltDown, bool isCtrlDown, bool isShiftDown)
Return an SoLocation2Event corresponding to given parameters.
SoLocation2Event * getMouseMoveEvent(int x, int y, bool isAltDown, bool isCtrlDown, bool isShiftDown)
Return an SoLocation2Event corresponding to given parameters.
SoMouseButtonEvent * getMousePressEvent(int x, int y, SoMouseButtonEvent::Button buttonId, bool isAltDown, bool isCtrlDown, bool isShiftDown)
Return an SoMouseButtonEvent corresponding to given parameters.
SoMouseButtonEvent * getMouseDoubleClickEvent(int x, int y, SoMouseButtonEvent::Button buttonId, bool isAltDown, bool isCtrlDown, bool isShiftDown)
Return an SoMouseButtonEvent corresponding to given parameters.
SoLocation2Event * getMouseLeaveEvent(int x, int y, bool isAltDown, bool isCtrlDown, bool isShiftDown)
Return an SoLocation2Event corresponding to given parameters.
SoMouseButtonEvent * getMouseReleaseEvent(int x, int y, SoMouseButtonEvent::Button buttonId, bool isAltDown, bool isCtrlDown, bool isShiftDown)
Return an SoMouseButtonEvent corresponding to given parameters.
SoKeyboardEvent * getKeyPressEvent(SoKeyboardEvent::Key key, bool isAltDown, bool isCtrlDown, bool isShiftDown)
Return an SoKeyboardEvent corresponding to given parameters.
const std::vector< const SoEvent * > & getTouchDownEvent(int x, int y, unsigned long fingerId)
Return a list of SoEvent corresponding to given parameters.
SoTouchManager & getTouchManager() const
Get the touch manager instance used by this event builder to build touch events.
SoMouseWheelEvent * getMouseWheelEvent(int delta, bool isAltDown, bool isCtrlDown, bool isShiftDown)
Return an SoMouseWheelEvent corresponding to given parameters.
const std::vector< const SoEvent * > & getTouchUpEvent(int x, int y, unsigned long fingerId)
Return a list of SoEvent corresponding to given parameters.
const std::vector< const SoEvent * > & getTouchMoveEvent(int x, int y, unsigned long fingerId)
Return a list of SoEvent corresponding to given parameters.
SoKeyboardEvent * getKeyReleaseEvent(SoKeyboardEvent::Key key, bool isAltDown, bool isCtrlDown, bool isShiftDown)
Return an SoKeyboardEvent corresponding to given parameters.
Keyboard key press and release events.
Class for managing events from touch screen input devices.