<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extIP.gif" alt="ImageViz" border="0"></a> Abstract base class fo...
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extIP.gif" alt="ImageViz" border="0"></a> Image Processing outpu...
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extIP.gif" alt="ImageViz" border="0"></a> SoResampleImageProcess...
SoSFDouble paddingValue
The output value if an output voxel position is outside the bounding box of the input image.
SoSFBox3f subVolume
Specifies the input subvolume as an axis aligned box in 3D space.
SoSFVec3i32 subVolumeDimension
The dimensions of the output sub volume.
SoImageVizEngineOutput< SoSFImageDataAdapter, SoImageDataAdapter * > outImage
The output image.
SoSFEnum interpolationType
The type of interpolation used for the re-sampling.
This enum defines the type of interpolation used.
SoSFMatrix transform
This transformation is applied to all output voxel positions before the interpolation.
SoSFEnum samplingMode
Specifies how the voxel size is computed.
SoSFImageDataAdapter inImage
The input image.
This enum defines how the voxel size of the output image is computed.
SoSFMatrix subVolumeTransform
Specifies a transformation of the axis aligned box subVolume.
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extTGS.gif" alt="VSG extension" border="0"></a> Field containing...
Field containing a floating-point value.
Field containing an enumerated value.
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extIP.gif" alt="ImageViz" border="0"></a> Field containing an So...
Field containing a 4x4 matrix.
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extTGS.gif" alt="VSG extension" border="0"></a> Field containing...