347#ifndef HIDDEN_FROM_DOC
747#if 1 SoDEPRECATED enum LightingModel
769#ifndef HIDDEN_FROM_DOC
786 virtual void doAction(
SoAction *action);
787 virtual void notify(SoNotList* list);
790 static void initClass();
791 static void exitClass();
827 virtual bool isColorInterpolationEnabled(
SoState* state);
830 bool isPreintegratedEnabled(
SoState* state)
833 void setRemovePhysicalQuality(
bool removePhysicalQuality );
845 static const float DEFAULT_INNER_EDGE_THRESHOLD;
846 static const float DEFAULT_OUTTER_EDGE_THRESHOLD;
858 void clampEdgeDetect2dFields();
866 SoGroup* m_preIntegratedTexPlaceHolder;
870 bool m_removePhysicalQuality;
#define SO_NODE_HEADER(className)
Abstract base class for all actions.
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extTGS.gif" alt="VSG extension" border="0"></a> Node that define...
Renders a scene graph using Open Inventor's Render Engine.
Base class for all group nodes.
This class is a cache handler that can be used to monitor the modifications made to elements or field...
Smart pointer for any class inheriting SoRefCounter.
Single-value field containing a set of bit flags.
Field containing a single Boolean value.
Field containing an RGB color.
Field containing an enumerated value.
Field containing a floating-point value.
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extTGS.gif" alt="VSG extension" border="0"></a> Node that specif...
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extLDM.gif" alt="Large Data Management" border="0"></a> Describe...
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extTGS.gif" alt="VSG extension" border="0"></a> Node that define...
Composition mode.
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extVR.gif" alt="VolumeViz" border="0"></a> Volume rendering qual...
SoSFColor voxelOutlineColor
When voxelOutline is TRUE, this value specifies the voxel outline color.
SoSFBool edgeColoring
Enable edge coloring.
SoSFBool preIntegrated
Enable pre-integrated volume rendering.
SoSFBool jittering
Enable jittering.
SoSFBool voxelizedRendering
If true, SoVolumeRender displays voxels as individual cubes.
SoSFFloat voxelOutlineThreshold
When voxelOutline is TRUE, this threshold specifies the minimum size of a voxel, in screen pixels,...
SoSFFloat edgeThreshold
If this value is low, more edges will be detected.
SoSFFloat unnormalizedGradientExponent
When unnormalizedGradientExponent is not 0, surfaces with high gradients will be more lighted than su...
SoSFBool ambientOcclusion
If true, apply an ambient occlusion effect (default is FALSE).
SoSFBool boundaryOpacity
Enable boundary opacity.
SoSFFloat edgeDetect2DOuterThreshold
Increase this value to decrease noise on edges in the volume.
SoDEPRECATED SoSFBool cubicInterpolation
Enable cubic interpolation of data values.
SoSFBool lighting
Enable gradient based lighting (computed on the GPU).
SoDEPRECATED SoSFEnum lightingModel
Sets the lighting model.
SoSFBool edgeDetect2D
Enable 2D edge detection.
SoSFBitMask edgeDetect2DMethod
Method used for 2D edge detection.
SoSFFloat boundaryOpacityThreshold
Applies when boundaryOpacity is TRUE.
SoSFFloat segmentedInterpolationThreshold
Defines the iso distance used when segmentedInterpolation is true.
SoSFColor edgeColor
Color used to draw edges when edgeColoring or edgeDetect2D is TRUE.
SoSFFloat gradientThreshold
Ignore all gradients with a magnitude less than the specified threshold.
SoSFFloat boundaryOpacityIntensity
Applies when boundaryOpacity is TRUE.
SoSFBool deferredLighting
Enable screen space lighting (computed on the GPU).
SoSFFloat edgeDetect2DInnerThreshold
Increase this value to decrease noise on silhouette edges.
SoSFFloat surfaceScalarExponent
If this field is greater than or equal to 1, a surface with a small gradient will be less lighted tha...
SoSFFloat voxelOutlineWidth
When voxelOutline is TRUE, this value specifies the voxel outline width in pixels.
SoSFBool colorInterpolation
Controls interpolation of data values used for color lookup.
SoSFBool voxelOutline
If true, draw the outline of voxels (default is false).
SoSFBool segmentedInterpolation
Allow correct interpolation when rendering segmented data.
Gradient Quality mode.
Use the central difference technique to compute the gradient.
Use a Sobel filter to compute the gradient.
Use the forward difference technique to compute the gradient.
The edge detection algorithm used when edgeDetect2D is TRUE, can work on the image luminance,...
Edge detection will use the image's depth buffer.
Edge detection will use the image's luminance.
Edge detection will use the volume's gradient.
SoSFEnum gradientQuality
Specifies the algorithm used to compute gradients, for example, normals for lighting.
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extVR.gif" alt="VolumeViz" border="0"></a> Shader node for volum...
void notify(SoNotList *list)