25#ifndef _SO_TRIANGLE_SET_
26#define _SO_TRIANGLE_SET_
28#include <Inventor/fields/SoSFInt32.h>
29#include <Inventor/nodes/SoNonIndexedShape.h>
30#include <Inventor/SbPImpl.h>
151 virtual void generateDefaultNormals(
SoState* state,
155 SbBool storeRef = FALSE );
163 static void initClass();
166 static void exitClass();
168 virtual int getNumVert(
SoState* state = NULL );
170 virtual int getNumPrim(
SoState* state = NULL );
182 virtual void exitRender(
SoState* state,
184 SoTextureCoordinateBundle* tcb,
185 SoTextureCoordinate3Bundle* tc3b);
187 virtual void countPrim(
SoState* state = NULL );
190 virtual void generatePrimitives(
SoAction* action );
208 virtual void notify( SoNotList* list );
212 friend class SoVolumeTriangleSetDl;
Abstract base class for all actions.
Base class for describing detail information about a shape node.
Renders a scene graph using Open Inventor's Render Engine.
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extTGS.gif" alt="VSG extension" border="0"></a> Counts number of...
Abstract base class for all non-indexed vertex-based shapes.
Represents point on surface of picked object.
Represents a vertex of a generated primitive.
Intersects objects with a ray cast into scene.
Field containing a int32_t integer.
Stores some information used by shapes.
Set of triangles shape node.
Creates a triangle set node with default settings.
SoSFInt32 numTriangles
Number of triangles in the set.