23#ifndef _SO_VOLUME_SKIN_
24#define _SO_VOLUME_SKIN_
26#include <Inventor/nodes/SoShape.h>
27#include <Inventor/fields/SoSFBool.h>
28#include <Inventor/fields/SoSFEnum.h>
29#include <Inventor/fields/SoSFFloat.h>
30#include <Inventor/fields/SoSFVec3f.h>
31#include <Inventor/fields/SoSFInt32.h>
32#include <Inventor/SbBox.h>
34#include <VolumeViz/nodes/SoSlice.h>
38class SoVolumeSkinInterface;
39class SoVolumeStateSkin;
464 static void initClass();
468 static void exitClass();
480 virtual void notify(SoNotList *list);
485 virtual bool intersect( SoLDMNodeFrontManager* nfm,
const SoLDMTileID& tileId );
491 bool setupRenderInterface(
SoAction* action);
497 SoVolumeSkinInterface* m_volSkinInterface;
513 void generatePrimitives(
SoAction *action);
526 SoVolumeStateSkin* m_vs;
Abstract base class for all actions.
Base class for describing detail information about a shape node.
Renders a scene graph using Open Inventor's Render Engine.
Computes bounding box of a scene.
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extLDM.gif" alt="Large Data Management" border="0"></a> Tile ID
Abstract base class for all database nodes.
Represents point on surface of picked object.
Represents a vertex of a generated primitive.
Intersects objects with a ray cast into scene.
Field containing an enumerated value.
Field containing a int32_t integer.
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extVR.gif" alt="VolumeViz" border="0"></a> Abstract base class f...
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extTGS.gif" alt="VSG extension" border="0"></a> Node that define...
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extVR.gif" alt="VolumeViz" border="0"></a> Draws a data volume s...
SoSFInt32 dataSetId
Specifies the SoVolumeData node to use.
friend class SoVolumeSkinLdm
SoSFEnum faceMode
Display front (facing the camera) faces or back faces.
Use this enum with the faceMode field.
Display only front faces.
Display front and back faces.
Display only back faces.