Open Inventor Release 2024.1.3
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class  SoAlgebraicCone
  VSG extension Algebraic cone shape node. More...
class  SoAlgebraicCylinder
  VSG extension Algebraic cylinder shape node More...
class  SoAlgebraicShape
  VSG extension Abstract base class for algebraic shapes. More...
class  SoAlgebraicSphere
  VSG extension Algebraic sphere shape node. More...
class  SoAnnoText3
  VSG extension Annotation text node. More...
class  SoAsciiText
  VSG extension Simple 3D text shape node. More...
class  SoBaseExtrusion
 Abstract base class for all extrusion-based shape nodes. More...
class  SoBufferedShape
  VSG extension Node to render geometry stored in SoBufferObject objects. More...
class  SoCircularExtrusion
  VSG extension Geometric shape formed by extruding a circle along a 3D spine. More...
class  SoCone
 Cone shape node. More...
class  SoCSGShape
  VSG extension Shape defined by a binary boolean operation on two sub scene graphs. More...
class  SoCube
 Cube shape node. More...
class  SoCylinder
 Cylinder shape node. More...
class  SoExtrusion
  VSG extension Geometric shape formed by extruding a 2D cross section along a 3D spine. More...
class  SoFaceSet
 Polygonal face shape node. More...
class  SoImage
  VSG extension Displays an image that always faces the camera. More...
class  SoIndexedFaceSet
 Indexed polygonal face shape node. More...
class  SoIndexedLineSet
 Indexed polyline shape node. More...
class  SoIndexedMarkerSet
  VSG extension Extension of IndexedPointSet that draws a small bitmap (symbol) at each 3D location. More...
class  SoIndexedNurbsCurve
 Indexed NURBS curve shape node. More...
class  SoIndexedNurbsSurface
 Indexed NURBS surface shape node. More...
class  SoIndexedPointSet
 Indexed point set shape node. More...
class  SoIndexedQuadMesh
 Indexed quadrilateral mesh shape node. More...
class  SoIndexedShape
 Abstract base class for all indexed vertex-based shapes. More...
class  SoIndexedTriangleFanSet
 Indexed triangle fan set shape node. More...
class  SoIndexedTriangleSet
 Indexed triangle shape node. More...
class  SoIndexedTriangleStripSet
 Indexed triangle strip set shape node. More...
class  SoLineSet
 Polyline shape node. More...
class  SoMarkerSet
  VSG extension Extension of PointSet that draws a small bitmap (symbol) at each 3D location. More...
class  SoNonIndexedShape
 Abstract base class for all non-indexed vertex-based shapes. More...
class  SoNurbsCurve
 NURBS curve shape node. More...
class  SoNurbsSurface
 NURBS surface shape node. More...
class  SoPointSet
 Point set shape node. More...
class  SoQuadMesh
 Quadrilateral mesh shape node. More...
class  SoShape
 Abstract base class for all shape nodes. More...
class  SoSphere
 Sphere shape node. More...
class  SoText2
 Screen-aligned 2D text shape node. More...
class  SoText3
 3D text shape node. More...
class  SoTriangleSet
 Set of triangles shape node. More...
class  SoTriangleStripSet
 Triangle strip set shape node. More...
class  SoVertexShape
 Abstract base class for all vertex-based shape nodes. More...

Detailed Description