Open Inventor Release 2024.2.0
No Matches
Inventor Actions

The preceding chapters focused on building a scene graph using group, property, and shape nodes. Once you have created this scene graph, you can apply actions to it. Using Inventor Actions summarizes some of the ways you can use the scene graph and the specific Inventor action to use.

Using Inventor Actions

You Can Perform This Task Using This Action
Draw, or render, the scene graph SoGLRenderAction
Compute a 3D bounding box for objects in the scene graph SoGetBoundingBoxAction
Compute a cumulative transformation matrix (and its inverse) SoGetMatrixAction
Write the scene graph to a file SoWriteAction
Search for paths to specific nodes, types of nodes, or nodes with specific names in the scene graph SoSearchAction
Allow objects in the scene graph to handle an event (see Handling Events and Selection) SoHandleEventAction
Pick objects in the scene graph along a ray SoRayPickAction
Traverse the scene graph and accumulate traversal state, then perform your own action using callback functions SoCallbackAction

Action Classes shows the portion of the class tree for actions.

Action Classes