Open Inventor Release 2024.2.0
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Node-Kit Catalog

Each node-kit class shown in Node-Kit Classes has an associated catalog. The catalog lists all the parts (nodes) available in this kit, in the same way as an electronics or software catalog lists all the items available for sale. Just as you order items selectively from a software catalog, you can choose nodes selectively from a node-kit catalog. In addition to simply listing the available parts, a node-kit catalog also describes how the nodes are arranged into a subgraph when you select them.

For example, the catalog for an SoShapeKit is shown in Catalog for SoShapeKit .

When you first create an SoShapeKit, you get the “base model,” shown in Basic Version of an SoShapeKit . By default, the “shape” part is a cube. You can change this shape and also add options as you need them.

Catalog for SoShapeKit

Basic Version of an SoShapeKit

A node-kit catalog contains a separate entry to describe each part. The SoShapeKit catalog shown in Catalog for SoShapeKit has 24 entries. Each catalog entry contains the following pieces of information:

  • Name of the part
  • Type of node
  • Default type (used if Type is an abstract class)
  • Whether this part is created by default
  • Name of this part's parent
  • Name of the right sibling of this part
  • Whether this part is a list
  • If the part is a list, the type of group node that is used to contain the list items
  • If the part is a list, the permissible node types for entries in this list
  • Whether this part is public The following list shows several sample catalog entries from SoShapeKit.
Information Sample Entry 1 Sample Entry 2
Name “callbackList” “transform”
Type SoNodeKitListPart SoTransform
Default Type (Not Applicable) (Not Applicable)
Created by Default? FALSE FALSE
Parent Name “this” “topSeparator”
Right Sibling “topSeparator” “texture2Transform”
Is It a List? TRUE FALSE
List Container Type SoSeparator (Not Applicable)
List Element Type SoCallback (Not Applicable)
Is It Public? TRUE TRUE

An SoShapeKit contains another node kit, “appearance,” which is an SoAppearanceKit. The catalog for SoAppearanceKit is shown in Catalog for SoAppearanceKit .

Catalog for SoAppearanceKit