32#include <IvTune/IvTuneExtender/IvtLibName.h>
34#include <Inventor/SbBase.h>
39# if !defined(IvTuneExtenderAPI_EXPORTS)
41# pragma comment(lib,__IVTUNEEXTENDERAPILIB)
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extTGS.gif" alt="VSG extension" border="0"></a> Abstract class f...
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extTGS.gif" alt="VSG extension" border="0"></a> Base class for i...
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extTGS.gif" alt="VSG extension" border="0"></a> Class to access ...
void sceneGraphChanged(SoNode *sg)
This signal is emitted whenever the scene graph changes.
virtual void setSelectedNode(SoFieldContainer *node)=0
Set the given node active in the node overview.
void selectedFieldChanged(SoField *field)
This signal is emitted whenever the selected field changes.
virtual SoNode * getSceneGraph() const =0
Returns the current scene graph.
static IvtServices * getInstance()
Returns an instance of this class.
virtual SbBool isStandaloneApplication() const =0
Returns true if IvTune was launched as a standalone application.
virtual void execute(IvtCommand *command)=0
Execute the given command.
virtual SoSceneManager * getSceneManager() const =0
If IvTune is started from an SoSceneManager, return the scene manager otherwise null.
virtual SoField * getSelectedField() const =0
Returns the selected field in IvTune.
virtual void setSelectedField(SoField *field)=0
Set the given field active in the field overview.
void selectedNodeChanged(SoFieldContainer *node)
This signal is emitted whenever the selected node changes.
virtual void redo()=0
Redo the most recent command.
virtual void setSceneGraph(SoNode *sg)=0
Set the given scene graph.
virtual SoFieldContainer * getSelectedNode() const =0
Returns the selected node in IvTune.
virtual void undo()=0
Undo the most recent command.
Character string stored in a hash table.
Abstract base class for objects that contain fields.
Base class for all fields.
Abstract base class for all database nodes.
Manages scene graph rendering and event handling.
Stores runtime type information.