23#ifndef _SO_OBLIQUE_SLICE_
24#define _SO_OBLIQUE_SLICE_
27#pragma warning( push )
28#pragma warning(disable:4251)
31#include <Inventor/nodes/SoShape.h>
32#include <Inventor/fields/SoSFBool.h>
33#include <Inventor/fields/SoSFFloat.h>
34#include <Inventor/fields/SoSFEnum.h>
35#include <Inventor/fields/SoSFPlane.h>
36#include <Inventor/fields/SoSFNode.h>
37#include <Inventor/fields/SoSFInt32.h>
38#include <Inventor/STL/vector>
39#include <VolumeViz/nodes/SoVolumeRendering.h>
40#include <VolumeViz/nodes/SoSlice.h>
45class SoLDMObliqueSliceGeom;
47class SoObliqueSliceLdm;
48class SoObliqueSliceInterface;
49class SoObliqueSlicePaging;
50class SoVolumeStateObliqueSlice;
455 static void initClass();
456 static void exitClass();
458 virtual bool intersect(SoLDMNodeFrontManager* nfm,
const SoLDMTileID& tileID)
471 virtual void notify(SoNotList *list);
476 int getLDMSliceID()
485 void setupSliceInterface();
490 void generatePrimitives(
SoAction* action);
510 virtual SbBool readInstance(
SoInput* in,
unsigned short flags);
520 SbBool m_altRepCreatedHere;
522 SoObliqueSliceInterface* m_sliceInterface;
525 SoVolumeStateObliqueSlice* m_vs;
530 int m_savedVertexOrdering;
531 int m_savedShapeType;
539#pragma warning( pop )
Abstract base class for all actions.
Provides custom behavior during actions.
Base class for describing detail information about a shape node.
Renders a scene graph using Open Inventor's Render Engine.
Computes bounding box of a scene.
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extLDM.gif" alt="Large Data Management" border="0"></a> Tile ID
Abstract base class for all database nodes.
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extVR.gif" alt="VolumeViz" border="0"></a> Oblique slice shape n...
friend class SoObliqueSliceLdm
SoSFInt32 dataSetId
Specifies the SoVolumeData node to use.
SoSFPlane plane
Plane defining the slice.
Represents point on surface of picked object.
Represents a vertex of a generated primitive.
Intersects objects with a ray cast into scene.
Field containing a int32_t integer.
Field containing a plane equation.
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extVR.gif" alt="VolumeViz" border="0"></a> Abstract base class f...
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extVR.gif" alt="VolumeViz" border="0"></a> Volume data property ...
Writes a scene graph to a file.
std::pair< SoDataSet *, int > DataSetIdPair
Pair containing an SoDataset and its dataSetId.