Open Inventor Release 2024.2.2
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PbParalCartesianGrid2D Class Reference

MeshViz Defines a parallel cartesian grid surface mesh. More...

#include <MeshViz/3Ddata/PbParalCartesianGrid2D.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for PbParalCartesianGrid2D:

Public Member Functions

 PbParalCartesianGrid2D (SbBool isDataDuplicate=TRUE)
 Constructor of a default simple mesh.
 PbParalCartesianGrid2D (const PbParalCartesianGrid2D &mesh)
 Copy constructor.
 PbParalCartesianGrid2D (int num_x, int num_y, const float *x, const float *y, SbBool isDataDuplicate=TRUE)
 Constructor of a 2D parallel grid mesh.
 PbParalCartesianGrid2D (int num_x, int num_y, const float *x, const float *y, const float *z, SbBool isDataDuplicate=TRUE)
 Constructor of a 3D parallel grid mesh.
 ~PbParalCartesianGrid2D ()
PbParalCartesianGrid2Doperator= (const PbParalCartesianGrid2D &mesh)
 Assignment operator.
virtual const PbCellfindContainingCell (const SbVec3f &point, float tolerance, SbVec3f &pcoord, const PbCell *adjacent_cell) const
virtual const PbCellfindContainingCell (const SbVec3f &point, float tolerance, SbVec3f &pcoord) const
 Find the mesh's cell that contains the point.
virtual const PbCellgetCell (int cell_index) const
 Gets the cell which index is cell_index.
virtual SbVec3f getNodeCoord (int nod_index) const
 Gets the coordinates of a node defined by its index.
virtual SbVec3f getNodeCoord (int i, int j) const
 Gets the coordinates of a node defined by its i,j indices on the grid.
virtual float getArea () const
 Gets the area of the mesh.
- Public Member Functions inherited from PbCartesianGrid2D
 PbCartesianGrid2D (SbBool is_data_duplicated=TRUE)
 Constructor of a default simple mesh.
 PbCartesianGrid2D (const PbCartesianGrid2D &)
 Copy constructor.
 PbCartesianGrid2D (int num_x, int num_y, const float *x, const float *y, SbBool is_data_duplicated=TRUE)
 Constructor of a 2D surface mesh.
 PbCartesianGrid2D (int num_x, int num_y, const float *x, const float *y, const float *z, SbBool is_data_duplicated=TRUE)
 Constructor of a 3D surface mesh.
 ~PbCartesianGrid2D ()
PbCartesianGrid2Doperator= (const PbCartesianGrid2D &mesh)
 Assignment operator.
void getGeometry (int &num_x, int &num_y, const float **&xa, const float **&ya) const
 Gets the mesh 2D geometry.
void getGeometry (int &num_x, int &num_y, const float **&xa, const float **&ya, const float **&za) const
 Gets the mesh 3D geometry.
void getGeometry (int &num_x, int &num_y, const float *&x, const float *&y) const
 Gets the mesh 2D geometry.
void getGeometry (int &num_x, int &num_y, const float *&x, const float *&y, const float *&z) const
 Gets the mesh 3D geometry.
- Public Member Functions inherited from PbGrid2D
 PbGrid2D (SbBool is_data_duplicate=TRUE)
 PbGrid2D (const PbGrid2D &mesh)
 Copy constructor.
 ~PbGrid2D ()
PbGrid2Doperator= (const PbGrid2D &mesh)
 Assignment operator.
void setGeometry (int num_x, int num_y, const float *x, const float *y)
 Defines a 2D surface mesh geometry.
void setGeometry (int num_x, int num_y, const float *x, const float *y, const float *z)
 Defines a 3D surface mesh geometry.
void getGeometry (int &num_x, int &num_y, const float *&x, const float *&y) const
 Gets the mesh 2D geometry.
void getGeometry (int &num_x, int &num_y, const float *&x, const float *&y, const float *&z) const
 Gets the mesh 3D geometry.
void getDim (int &num_x, int &num_y) const
 Gets the dimensions num_x, num_y of the grid.
virtual void getNodeOwnerCellsInd (int nod_index, PbArrayOfInt &owner_cells) const
 Gets the list of index of cells that own the node "nod_index".
virtual void getAdjacentCellsIndByNode (int cell_index, PbArrayOfInt &adjacent_cells) const
 Gets the list of index of cells that are adjacent (by a node) to cell_index.
virtual void getAdjacentCellsIndByFacet (int cell_index, PbArrayOfInt &adjacent_cells) const
 Gets the list of index of cells that are adjacent (by an edge) to cell_index.
void getNodeIndices (int nod_index, int &i, int &j) const
 Calculates indices i,j that verify nod_index = i*num_y + j.
void getCellIndices (int cell_index, int &i, int &j) const
 Calculates indices i,j that verify cell_index = i*(num_y-1) + j.
- Public Member Functions inherited from PbMesh2D
void addVecsSet (int set_index, const SbVec2f *val, const SbString &setName="")
 Adds a set of 2D vectors on the mesh.
virtual SbBox2f getBoundingBox () const
 Gets the 2D mesh's bounding box.
virtual float getVolume () const
 Always returns 0.
PbMesh2DgetFaultMesh (int num_fault_lines, const int *fault_line_sizes, const SbVec3f *coord, ExtrapolationMethod extrapol_method, PbDefinedValue &definedValue) const
 Builds a new mesh by inserting some fault lines in this mesh.
PbMesh2DgetFaultMesh (int num_fault_lines, const int *fault_line_sizes, const SbVec3f *coord) const
 Same as calling getFaultMesh(num_fault_lines, fault_line_sizes, coord,PbMesh2D::USE_ADJACENT_DERIVS, PbDefinedValue())
- Public Member Functions inherited from PbMesh
 PbMesh (SbBool is_data_duplicated=TRUE)
 PbMesh (const PbMesh &mesh)
 Copy constructor.
 ~PbMesh ()
PbMeshoperator= (const PbMesh &mesh)
 Assignment operator.
int getNumNodes () const
 Gets the number of nodes in the mesh.
int getNumCells () const
 Gets the number of cells in the mesh.
SbBox3f getBoundingBox () const
 Gets the bounding box of the mesh.
SbBool isDataDuplicated () const
 Returns TRUE if mesh's data are duplicated, FALSE otherwise.
virtual void addValuesSet (int set_index, const float *val, const SbString &set_name="")
 Adds a set of scalar values.
void addValuesSet (int set_index, const float *val, DataBinding binding, const SbString &set_name="")
 Adds a set of scalar values that can be located either at nodes or at cells.
DataBinding getValuesBinding (int set_index) const
 Gets the binding of the scalar value set.
virtual void addStringsSet (int set_index, const SbString *val, const SbString &set_name="")
 Adds a set of string values .
virtual const SbStringgetValuesSetName (int set_index) const
 Gets the name associated to a scalar values set.
virtual const SbStringgetStringsSetName (int set_index) const
 Gets the name associated to a string values set.
virtual const SbStringgetVecsSetName (int set_index) const
 Gets the name associated to a vec values set.
virtual const float * getValuesSet (int set_index) const
 Gets a set of scalar values.
virtual const SbStringgetStringsSet (int set_index) const
 Gets a set of string values.
virtual const SbVec3fgetVecsSet (int set_index) const
 Gets a set of vector values.
virtual SbBool removeValuesSet (int set_index)
 Remove a set of scalar values.
virtual SbBool removeStringsSet (int set_index)
 Remove a set of string values.
virtual SbBool removeVecsSet (int set_index)
 Remove a set of vector values.
virtual void removeAllValuesSet ()
 Remove all sets of scalar values.
virtual void removeAllStringsSet ()
 Remove all sets of strings values.
virtual void removeAllVecsSet ()
 Remove all sets of vector values.
virtual int getNumValuesSet () const
 Gets the number of set of scalar values.
virtual int getNumStringsSet () const
 Gets the number of set of string values.
virtual int getNumVecsSet () const
 Gets the number of set of vector values.
virtual SbBool getMinValuesSet (int set_index, float &min) const
 Gets the min of a set of scalars.
virtual SbBool getMinVecsSet (int set_index, float &min) const
 Gets the min module of a set of vectors.
virtual SbBool getMaxValuesSet (int set_index, float &max) const
 Gets the max of a set of scalars.
virtual SbBool getMaxVecsSet (int set_index, float &max) const
 Gets the max module of a set of vectors.
virtual void getNodesOwnerCellsInd (const PbArrayOfInt &nod_indices, PbArrayOfInt &owner_cells) const
 Gets the list of indices of cells that own the list of nodes "nod_indices".
virtual SbBox3f getSmallestCellBox (int &cell_index) const
 Gets the smallest cell's bounding box, returns also the index of this cell.
virtual SbBox3f getBiggestCellBox (int &cell_index) const
 Gets the biggest cell's bounding box, returns also the index of this cell.
virtual void setCoordinates (const float *x_nod, const float *y_nod, const float *z_nod)
 Set new node coordinates without modifying the mesh topology.
virtual void getCoordinates (const float *&xnod, const float *&ynod, const float *&znod, int &size_xnod, int &size_ynod, int &size_znod) const
 Get the current coordinates of the nodes of this mesh.
- Public Member Functions inherited from PbBase
void enableConnection (SbBool flag)
 Activates/deactivates the mechanism of connection.
SbBool isConnectionEnabled () const
 Returns TRUE if the connection mechanism is active, otherwise FALSE.
void touch ()
 Simulates the changing of an instance of this object, so all connected objects are informed of this change.
PbBaseoperator= (const PbBase &base)
 Assignment operator.


int operator== (const PbParalCartesianGrid2D &m1, const PbParalCartesianGrid2D &m2)
 Equality comparison operator.
int operator!= (const PbParalCartesianGrid2D &m1, const PbParalCartesianGrid2D &m2)
 Inequality comparison operator.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from PbMesh2D
enum  ExtrapolationMethod {
 Specifies the type of extrapolation used by getFaultMesh() when computing values on the fault lines. More...
- Public Types inherited from PbMesh
enum  DataBinding {
  PER_CELL = PoMeshProperty::PER_CELL ,
  PER_NODE = PoMeshProperty::PER_NODE
 Data binding. More...

Detailed Description

MeshViz Defines a parallel cartesian grid surface mesh.

Class to define a surface mesh represented by a grid, with cartesian coordinates, of which the lines are parallel to X-axis or Y-axis. This mesh is defined by num_y vertical lines and num_x horizontal lines. x is an array of num_x floats, and y is an array of num_y floats.

The values on the mesh nodes are defined by the PbMesh::addValuesSet(set_index,val) method, where val argument is an array of num_x * num_y floats.

Definition at line 53 of file PbParalCartesianGrid2D.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PbParalCartesianGrid2D() [1/4]

PbParalCartesianGrid2D::PbParalCartesianGrid2D ( SbBool  isDataDuplicate = TRUE)

Constructor of a default simple mesh.

See also PbMesh for more explanations about data duplication.

◆ PbParalCartesianGrid2D() [2/4]

PbParalCartesianGrid2D::PbParalCartesianGrid2D ( const PbParalCartesianGrid2D mesh)

Copy constructor.

◆ PbParalCartesianGrid2D() [3/4]

PbParalCartesianGrid2D::PbParalCartesianGrid2D ( int  num_x,
int  num_y,
const float *  x,
const float *  y,
SbBool  isDataDuplicate = TRUE 

Constructor of a 2D parallel grid mesh.

See also PbMesh for more explanations about data duplication.

◆ PbParalCartesianGrid2D() [4/4]

PbParalCartesianGrid2D::PbParalCartesianGrid2D ( int  num_x,
int  num_y,
const float *  x,
const float *  y,
const float *  z,
SbBool  isDataDuplicate = TRUE 

Constructor of a 3D parallel grid mesh.

See also PbMesh for more explanations about data duplication.

◆ ~PbParalCartesianGrid2D()

PbParalCartesianGrid2D::~PbParalCartesianGrid2D ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ findContainingCell() [1/2]

virtual const PbCell * PbParalCartesianGrid2D::findContainingCell ( const SbVec3f point,
float  tolerance,
SbVec3f pcoord 
) const

Find the mesh's cell that contains the point.

If the (optional) adjacent cell is given, searching the containing cell starts by the cells around this adjacent one. Returns also the parametric coordinates of the point in the found cell. Parametric coordinates are the coordinates of the point relative to a topologically equivalent unit cell. A point is inside a cell if its parametric coordinates range from 0 to 1. However we use a test with a tolerance value: a point is inside the cell if its parametric coordinates p verify -tolerance <= p <= 1+tolerance. Parametric coordinates are useful to interpolate the value in the cell (see PbCell::getValue). Attention! This method returns always the same address of an internal private cell. This private cell is updated each time findContainingCell is called. If the cell exists, it returns a PbPixelCell for a 2D mesh, or a PbQuadrangleCell for a 3D mesh.

Reimplemented from PbMesh.

◆ findContainingCell() [2/2]

virtual const PbCell * PbParalCartesianGrid2D::findContainingCell ( const SbVec3f point,
float  tolerance,
SbVec3f pcoord,
const PbCell adjacent_cell 
) const

Reimplemented from PbMesh.

◆ getArea()

virtual float PbParalCartesianGrid2D::getArea ( ) const

Gets the area of the mesh.

Reimplemented from PbMesh2D.

◆ getCell()

virtual const PbCell * PbParalCartesianGrid2D::getCell ( int  cell_index) const

Gets the cell which index is cell_index.

Returns NULL if the cell does not exist. If the cell exists, it returns a PbPixelCell for a 2D mesh, or a PbQuadrangleCell for a 3D mesh. Attention! This method returns always the same address of an internal private cell. This private cell is updated each time getCell is called.

Reimplemented from PbCartesianGrid2D.

◆ getNodeCoord() [1/2]

virtual SbVec3f PbParalCartesianGrid2D::getNodeCoord ( int  i,
int  j 
) const

Gets the coordinates of a node defined by its i,j indices on the grid.

Reimplemented from PbCartesianGrid2D.

◆ getNodeCoord() [2/2]

virtual SbVec3f PbParalCartesianGrid2D::getNodeCoord ( int  nod_index) const

Gets the coordinates of a node defined by its index.

Reimplemented from PbCartesianGrid2D.

◆ operator=()

PbParalCartesianGrid2D & PbParalCartesianGrid2D::operator= ( const PbParalCartesianGrid2D mesh)

Assignment operator.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ operator!=

int operator!= ( const PbParalCartesianGrid2D m1,
const PbParalCartesianGrid2D m2 

Inequality comparison operator.

Definition at line 98 of file PbParalCartesianGrid2D.h.

◆ operator==

int operator== ( const PbParalCartesianGrid2D m1,
const PbParalCartesianGrid2D m2 

Equality comparison operator.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: