Open Inventor Release 2024.2.2
No Matches
SoTransformManip Class Reference

Base class for all transform nodes with built-in 3D user interfaces. More...

#include <Inventor/manips/SoTransformManip.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for SoTransformManip:

Public Member Functions

virtual SoType getTypeId () const
 Returns the type identifier for this specific instance.
 SoTransformManip ()
SoDraggergetDragger ()
 Returns the dragger being used by this manipulator.
SbBool replaceNode (SoPath *p)
 Replaces the tail of the path with this manipulator.
SbBool replaceManip (SoPath *p, SoTransform *newOne) const
 Replaces the tail of the path, which must be this manipulator, with the given SoTransform node.
- Public Member Functions inherited from SoTransform
 SoTransform ()
 Creates a transformation node with default settings.
void pointAt (const SbVec3f &fromPoint, const SbVec3f &toPoint)
 Sets the node to translate the origin to the fromPoint and rotate the negative z-axis (0,0,-1) to lie on the vector from fromPoint to toPoint .
void getScaleSpaceMatrix (SbMatrix &mat, SbMatrix &inv) const
 Returns composite matrix that transforms from object space to scale space (the space after the scale).
void getRotationSpaceMatrix (SbMatrix &mat, SbMatrix &inv) const
 Returns composite matrix that transforms from object space to rotation space (the space after the scale and rotation).
void getTranslationSpaceMatrix (SbMatrix &mat, SbMatrix &inv) const
 Returns composite matrix that transforms from object space to translation space (the space after scale, rotation, and translation).
void multLeft (const SbMatrix &mat)
 Convenience function that combines the effects of a matrix transformation into the current transformation stored in this node.
void multRight (const SbMatrix &mat)
 Convenience function that combines the effects of a matrix transformation into the current transformation stored in this node.
void combineLeft (SoTransformation *nodeOnLeft)
 Convenience function that combines the effects of another transformation node into the current transformation stored in this node.
void combineRight (SoTransformation *nodeOnRight)
 Convenience function that combines the effects of another transformation node into the current transformation stored in this node.
void setMatrix (const SbMatrix &mat)
 Sets the fields in the node to implement the transformation represented by the given matrix.
void recenter (const SbVec3f &newCenter)
 Changes the center of the transformation to the given point without affecting the overall effect of the transformation.
- Public Member Functions inherited from SoNode
virtual void setOverride (const SbBool state)
 Turns the override flag on or off.
virtual SbBool isOverride () const
 Returns the state of the override flag.
virtual SoNodecopy (SbBool copyConnections=FALSE) const
 Creates and returns an exact copy of the node.
virtual SbBool affectsState () const
 Returns TRUE if a node has an effect on the state during traversal.
virtual void touch ()
 Marks an instance as modified, simulating a change to it.
- Public Member Functions inherited from SoFieldContainer
void setToDefaults ()
 Sets all fields in this object to their default values.
SbBool hasDefaultValues () const
 Returns TRUE if all of the object's fields have their default values.
SbBool fieldsAreEqual (const SoFieldContainer *fc) const
 Returns TRUE if this object's fields are exactly equal to fc's fields.
void copyFieldValues (const SoFieldContainer *fc, SbBool copyConnections=FALSE)
 Copies the contents of fc's fields into this object's fields.
SoNONUNICODE SbBool set (const char *fieldDataString)
 Sets one or more fields in this object to the values specified in the given string, which should be a string in the Open Inventor file format.
SbBool set (const SbString &fieldDataString)
 Sets one or more fields in this object to the values specified in the given string, which should be a string in the Open Inventor file format.
void get (SbString &fieldDataString)
 Returns the values of the fields of this object in the Open Inventor ASCII file format in the given string.
virtual int getFields (SoFieldList &list) const
 Appends references to all of this object's fields to resultList, and returns the number of fields appended.
virtual int getAllFields (SoFieldList &list) const
 Returns a list of fields, including the eventIn's and eventOut's.
virtual SoFieldgetField (const SbName &fieldName) const
 Returns a the field of this object whose name is fieldName.
virtual SoFieldgetEventIn (const SbName &fieldName) const
 Returns a the eventIn with the given name.
virtual SoFieldgetEventOut (const SbName &fieldName) const
 Returns the eventOut with the given name.
SbBool getFieldName (const SoField *field, SbName &fieldName) const
 Returns the name of the given field in the fieldName argument.
SbBool enableNotify (SbBool flag)
 Notification at this Field Container is enabled (if flag == TRUE) or disabled (if flag == FALSE).
SbBool isNotifyEnabled () const
 Notification is the process of telling interested objects that this object has changed.
virtual void setUserData (void *data)
 Sets application data.
void * getUserData (void) const
 Gets user application data.
- Public Member Functions inherited from SoBase
virtual SbName getName () const
 Returns the name of an instance.
virtual void setName (const SbName &name)
 Sets the name of an instance.
void setSynchronizable (const bool b)
 Sets this to be a ScaleViz synchronizable object.
bool isSynchronizable () const
 Gets the ScaleViz synchronizable state of this object.
- Public Member Functions inherited from SoRefCounter
void ref () const
 Adds a reference to an instance.
void unref () const
 Removes a reference from an instance.
void unrefNoDelete () const
 unrefNoDelete() should be called when it is desired to decrement the reference count, but not delete the instance if this brings the reference count to zero.
int getRefCount () const
 Returns current reference count.
void lock () const
 lock this instance.
void unlock () const
 unlock this instance.
- Public Member Functions inherited from SoTypedObject
SbBool isOfType (const SoType &type) const
 Returns TRUE if this object is of the type specified in type or is derived from that type.
template<typename TypedObjectClass >
SbBool isOfType () const
 Returns TRUE if this object is of the type of class TypedObjectClass or is derived from that class.

Static Public Member Functions

static SoType getClassTypeId ()
 Returns the type identifier for this class.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoTransform
static SoType getClassTypeId ()
 Returns the type identifier for this class.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoTransformation
static SoType getClassTypeId ()
 Returns the type identifier for this class.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoNode
static SoType getClassTypeId ()
 Returns the type identifier for this class.
static SoNodegetByName (const SbName &name)
 A node's name can be set using SoBase::setName().
static int getByName (const SbName &name, SoNodeList &list)
 A node's name can be set using SoBase::setName().
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoFieldContainer
static SoType getClassTypeId ()
 Returns the type of this class.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoBase
static SoType getClassTypeId ()
 Returns type identifier for this class.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoTypedObject
static SoType getClassTypeId ()
 Returns the type identifier for this class.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from SoTransform
SoSFVec3f translation
 Translation vector.
SoSFRotation rotation
 Rotation specification.
SoSFVec3f scaleFactor
 Scale factors.
SoSFRotation scaleOrientation
 Rotational orientation for scale.
SoSFVec3f center
 Origin for scale and rotation.

Detailed Description

Base class for all transform nodes with built-in 3D user interfaces.

SoTransformManip is the base class for all SoTransform nodes that have a built-in 3D user interface. Since it is derived from SoTransform, any changes to its fields result in the rotation, scaling, and/or translation of nodes that follow it in the scene graph.

Typically, you will want to replace a regular SoTransform with an SoTransformManip (as when the user selects an object to be moved), or vice versa (as when the object is deselected, and the motion interface should go away). Use the replaceNode() method to insert a manipulator into a scene graph, and the replaceManip() method to remove it when done.

Every subclass of SoTransformManip utilizes a dragger of some sort to provide a 3D interface. (This class does not have dragger; but all the subclasses do.) However a manipulator differs from a dragger; it influences other objects in the scene because, as an SoTransform, it alters the state. The fields values and movement of a dragger, on the other hand, affect only the dragger itself.

Each SoTransformManip subclass utilizes its dragger by adding it as a hidden child. When an action is applied to the manipulator, such as rendering or handling events, the manipulator first traverses the dragger, and then the manipulator adds its transformation matrix to the state. When you click-drag-release over the manipulator, it passes these events down to the dragger, which moves as a result ("I can't <B> help </B> it, I'm a dragger!").

The manipulator maintains consistency between the fields of the dragger and its own fields. Let's say you use the mouse to rotate the dragger . Callbacks insure that the rotation field of the manipulator will change by the same amount, resulting in the rotation of nodes which follow in the scene graph. Similarly, if you set any of the SoTransformManip fields the manipulator will move the dragger accordingly. You can use this feature to impose constraints on a manipulator: If the user moves the manipulator so that a field value becomes too large, you can set the field back to your desired maximum, and the whole thing will move back to where you specified.

Since each SoTransformManip uses a dragger to provide its interface, you will generally be told to look at the dragger's reference page for details of how it moves and what the different parts are for. The interface for the dragger and the manipulator will always be exactly the same. Usually, an SoTransformManip will surround the objects that it influences (i.e., those that move along with it). This is because the manipulator turns on the surroundScale part of its dragger; so the dragger geometry expands to envelope the other objects (see the reference page for SoSurroundScale).

Because the dragger is a hidden child, you can see the dragger on screen and interact with it, but the dragger does not show up when you write the manipulator to file. Also, any SoPath will end at the manipulator. (See the Actions section of this reference page for a complete description of when the dragger is traversed).

You can get this dragger from the manipulator using the getDragger() method. You will need to do this if you want to change the geometry of a manipulator, since the geometry actually belongs to the dragger.


    TransformManip {
    translation 0 0 0
    rotation 0 0 1 0
    scaleFactor 1 1 1
    scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
    center 0 0 0



SoDragger, SoTransform, SoCenterballManip, SoHandleBoxManip, SoJackManip, SoSurroundScale, SoTabBoxManip, SoTrackballManip, SoTransformBoxManip, SoTransformerManip

Definition at line 164 of file SoTransformManip.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SoTransformManip()

SoTransformManip::SoTransformManip ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ getClassTypeId()

static SoType SoTransformManip::getClassTypeId ( )

Returns the type identifier for this class.

◆ getDragger()

SoDragger * SoTransformManip::getDragger ( )

Returns the dragger being used by this manipulator.

You can customize this dragger just like you would with any other dragger. You can change geometry using the setPart() method, or add callbacks using the methods found in the SoDragger reference page.

◆ getTypeId()

virtual SoType SoTransformManip::getTypeId ( ) const

Returns the type identifier for this specific instance.

Reimplemented from SoTransform.

Reimplemented in SoCenterballManip, SoHandleBoxManip, SoJackManip, SoTabBoxManip, SoTrackballManip, SoTransformBoxManip, and SoTransformerManip.

◆ replaceManip()

SbBool SoTransformManip::replaceManip ( SoPath p,
SoTransform newOne 
) const

Replaces the tail of the path, which must be this manipulator, with the given SoTransform node.

If the path has a nodekit, this will try to use setPart() to insert the new node. Otherwise, the manipulator requires that the next to last node in the path chain be a group.

The field values from the manipulator will be copied to the transform node, and the manipulator will be replaced.

The manipulator will not call ref() or unref() on the node which is replacing it. The manipulator will not make any changes to field connections. The calling process is thus responsible for keeping track of its own nodes and field connections.

◆ replaceNode()

SbBool SoTransformManip::replaceNode ( SoPath p)

Replaces the tail of the path with this manipulator.

The tail of the path must be an SoTransform node (or subclass thereof). If the path has a nodekit, this will try to use setPart() to insert the manipulator. Otherwise, the manipulator requires that the next to last node in the path chain be a group.

The field values from the transform node will be copied to this manipulator, and the transform will be replaced.

The manipulator will not call ref() on the node it is replacing. The old node will disappear if it has no references other than from the input path p and its parent, since this manipulator will be replacing it in both of those places. Nor will the manipulator make any changes to field connections of the old node. The calling process is thus responsible for keeping track of its own nodes and field connections.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: