Open Inventor Release 2024.2.0
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Windows component library. More...


class  SoWinDevice
  VSG extension Abstract base class for input devices. More...
class  SoWinKeyboard
  VSG extension Translates and reports messages for the keyboard device. More...
class  SoWinMouse
  VSG extension Translates and reports messages for the mouse device. More...
class  SoWinSpaceball
  VSG extension Translates and reports events for a SpaceBall or SpaceMouse (Magellan) device. More...
class  SoConsole
  VSG extension Creates a Win32 console for printing messages More...
class  SoWin
  VSG extension Routines for Open Inventor/Windows compatibility. More...
class  SoWinClipboard
  VSG extension Supports copy/paste for Open Inventor using the Windows clipboard. More...
class  SoWinColorEditor
  VSG extension Component that lets you edit a color interactively. More...
class  SoWinComponent
  VSG extension Abstract base class for all Open Inventor components. More...
class  SoWinDirectionalLightEditor
  VSG extension Component for editing directional lights. More...
class  SoWinGLWidget
  VSG extension Component for OpenGL rendering. More...
class  SoWinMaterialEditor
  VSG extension Component which lets you edit a material interactively. More...
class  SoWinRenderArea
  VSG extension Component for rendering Open Inventor scene graphs. More...
class  SoWinConstrainedViewer
  VSG extension Base viewer class which adds camera constraints given a world up direction. More...
class  SoWinExaminerViewer
  VSG extension Viewer component which uses a virtual trackball to view the data. More...
class  SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingSphericalRotation
  VSG extension Viewing Function: Rotates the view around a point of interest using a virtual trackball. More...
class  SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingTranslation
  VSG extension Viewing Function: Translates the camera in the viewer plane. More...
class  SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingRotationX
  VSG extension Viewing Function: Rotates the object around the X axis. More...
class  SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingRotationY
  VSG extension Viewing Function: Rotates the object around the Y axis. More...
class  SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingRotationZ
  VSG extension Viewing Function: Rotates the object around the Z axis. More...
class  SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingRotationXViewer
  VSG extension Viewing Function: Rotates the object around the screen X axis. More...
class  SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingRotationYViewer
  VSG extension Viewing Function: Rotates the object around the screen Y axis. More...
class  SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingRotationZViewer
  VSG extension Viewing Function: Rotates the object around the screen Z axis. More...
class  SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingSeek
  VSG extension Viewing Function: Seek (to quickly move the camera to a desired object or point). More...
class  SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingDolly
  VSG extension Viewing Function: Dolly (move forward and backward) to get closer to or further away from the point of interest. More...
class  SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingReverseDolly
  VSG extension Viewing Function: Reverse Dolly (move backward and forward) to get further to or closer away from the point of interest. More...
class  SoWinExaminerViewer::SoViewingEmpty
  VSG extension Viewing Function: Does nothing. More...
class  SoWinFlyViewer
  VSG extension Viewer component for flying through space, with a constant world up. More...
class  SoWinFullViewer
  VSG extension Base viewer class which adds a decoration around the rendering area. More...
class  SoWinPlaneViewer
  VSG extension Viewer component which moves the camera in a plane. More...
class  SoWinViewer
  VSG extension Viewer component lowest base class. More...
class  SoWinWalkViewer
  VSG extension Viewer component which moves the camera in a plane. More...

Detailed Description

Windows component library.

A "class for class" equivalent for the SoXt X Windows Component library, adapted for the unique requirements and facilities of the Windows environment. Just like SoXt, SoWin classes include an OpenGL drawing area, an Open Inventor RenderArea which manages a scene graph, and Open Inventor viewers which add lights, cameras and interactivity to a scene.

SoWin classes can be used within any application framework.

The following classes have no equivalent in the Windows implementation of Open Inventor: