Viewer component lowest base class.
#include <Inventor/Win/viewers/SoWinViewer.h>
Public Types | |
enum | Type { BROWSER , EDITOR } |
An EDITOR viewer will create a camera under the user supplied scene graph (specified in setSceneGraph()) if it cannot find one in the scene and will leave the camera behind when supplied with a new scene. More... | |
list of possible drawing styles More... | |
enum | DrawType { STILL , INTERACTIVE } |
DrawType. More... | |
list of different buffering types More... | |
list of decimation strategies More... | |
enum | CursorStyle { CLASSIC , XOR , SHADOW } |
Classic cursors are all white and tend to disappear over white geometry or white background. More... | |
typedef void | SoWinViewerCB(void *userData, SoWinViewer *viewer) |
typedef void | SoWinViewerCameraTypeChangeCB(void *userData, SoCamera *camera, SoWinViewer *viewer) |
typedef void | SoWinViewerFPSCB(float fps, void *userData, SoWinViewer *viewer) |
Large Model Viewing notification callbacks for frames per second and decimation percentage. | |
typedef void | SoWinViewerDecimationPercentageCB(float percentage, void *userData, SoWinViewer *viewer) |
![]() | |
typedef SbBool | SoWinRenderAreaEventCB(void *userData, XAnyEvent *anyevent) |
typedef SbBool | SoWinRenderAreaRenderCB(void *userData, SoWinRenderArea *rendArea) |
![]() | |
enum | FloatColorBufferSize { FLOAT_16_COLOR_BUFFER = SoGuiGLWidget::FLOAT_16_COLOR_BUFFER , FLOAT_32_COLOR_BUFFER = SoGuiGLWidget::FLOAT_32_COLOR_BUFFER } |
FloatColorBufferSize. More... | |
![]() | |
typedef void | SoWinComponentCB(void *userData, SoWinComponent *comp) |
Public Member Functions | |
virtual void | setSceneGraph (SoNode *newScene) |
Sets the scene graph to render. | |
virtual SoNode * | getSceneGraph () |
Gets the scene graph to be rendered in this component's window. | |
virtual void | setCamera (SoCamera *cam) |
Sets the camera that will be controlled by the viewer. | |
SoCamera * | getCamera () |
Gets the camera controlled by the viewer. | |
virtual void | setCameraType (SoType type) |
Sets the camera type that will be created by the viewer if no cameras are found in the scene graph (see SoPerspectiveCamera and SoOrthographicCamera). | |
SoType | getCameraType () |
Gets the camera type that will be created by the viewer if no cameras are found in the scene graph (see SoPerspectiveCamera and SoOrthographicCamera). | |
virtual void | setPreserveCameraHeightAngle (SbBool flag) |
If TRUE, an SoPerspectiveCamera's heightAngle is preserved if the camera is changed to an SoOrthographicCamera and then toggled back to an SoPerspectiveCamera. | |
virtual SbBool | isCameraHeightAnglePreserved () const |
Query whether the SoPerspectiveCamera's heightAngle is preserved if the camera is changed to an SoOrthographicCamera and then toggled back to an SoPerspectiveCamera. | |
virtual void | enableSeekWithOrtho (SbBool flag) |
If FALSE, the seek functionality is disabled for an SoOrthographicCamera. | |
virtual SbBool | isSeekWithOrthoEnabled () const |
Query whether the seek functionality is enabled for an SoOrthographicCamera. | |
virtual void | viewAll () |
Changes the camera position to view the entire scene (the camera zoom or orientation isn't changed). | |
virtual void | saveHomePosition () |
Saves the camera values. | |
virtual void | resetToHomePosition () |
Restores the camera values. | |
void | setCameraTypeChangeCallback (SoWinViewerCameraTypeChangeCB *callback, void *userdata) |
Defines a callback which is called each time the camera type has changed (change from SoPerspectiveCamera to SoOrthographicCamera or vice versa). | |
void | setHeadlight (SbBool onOrOff) |
Turns the headlight on/off (default on). | |
SbBool | isHeadlight () |
Queries if the headlight is on. | |
SoDirectionalLight * | getHeadlight () |
Returns the headlight node. | |
void | setDrawStyle (SoWinViewer::DrawType type, SoWinViewer::DrawStyle style) |
Sets the current drawing style in the main view. | |
SoWinViewer::DrawStyle | getDrawStyle (SoWinViewer::DrawType type) |
Queries the current drawing style in the main view. | |
void | setBufferingType (SoWinViewer::BufferType type) |
Sets the current buffering type in the main view (default SoWinViewer::BUFFER_DOUBLE). | |
SoWinViewer::BufferType | getBufferingType () |
Gets the current buffering type in the main view. | |
virtual void | setViewing (SbBool onOrOff) |
Sets whether the viewer is turned on or off. | |
SbBool | isViewing () const |
Queries whether the viewer is turned on or off. | |
virtual void | setSeekMode (SbBool onOrOff) |
Externally set the viewer into/out off seek mode (default OFF). | |
SbBool | isSeekMode () |
Queries whether the seek mode is active. | |
virtual void | setCursorEnabled (SbBool onOrOff) |
Sets whether the viewer is allowed to change the cursor over the renderArea window. | |
SbBool | isCursorEnabled () const |
Queries whether the viewer is allowed to change the cursor over the renderArea window. | |
void | setAutoClipping (SbBool onOrOff) |
Sets the auto clipping plane. | |
SbBool | isAutoClipping () const |
Queries if auto clipping is ON. | |
virtual void | setStereoViewing (SbBool onOrOff) |
Turns stereo viewing on/off on the viewer (default off). | |
virtual SbBool | isStereoViewing () |
Queries if stereo viewing is on or off on the viewer. | |
void | setStereoOffset (float dist) |
Sets the stereo offset. | |
float | getStereoOffset () |
Returns the stereo offset. | |
void | setDetailSeek (SbBool onOrOff) |
When the viewer is in seek mode, left mouse clicks initiate a pick, and the viewer changes its orientation and position to look at the picked object. | |
SbBool | isDetailSeek () |
Queries whether detail seek is on. | |
void | setSeekTime (float seconds) |
Sets the time a seek takes to change to the new camera location. | |
float | getSeekTime () |
Queries the seek time. | |
void | addStartCallback (SoWinViewerCB *f, void *userData=NULL) |
Adds start callback routine on the viewer. | |
void | addFinishCallback (SoWinViewerCB *f, void *userData=NULL) |
Adds finish callback routine on the viewer. | |
void | removeStartCallback (SoWinViewerCB *f, void *userData=NULL) |
Removes start callback routine from the viewer. | |
void | removeFinishCallback (SoWinViewerCB *f, void *userData=NULL) |
Removes finish callback routine from the viewer. | |
void | copyView (Time eventTime) |
Copies the view. | |
void | pasteView (Time eventTime) |
Pastes the view. | |
virtual void | setNormalVisual (XVisualInfo *i) |
Specifies the exact pixel format descriptor for the normal window. | |
virtual void | recomputeSceneSize () |
This can be used to let the viewer know that the scene graph has changed so that the viewer can recompute things like speed which depend on the scene graph size. | |
void | setDecimationStrategy (SoWinViewer::DecimationStrategy strategy) |
Sets strategy to use to decide on decimation value. | |
SoWinViewer::DecimationStrategy | getDecimationStrategy () |
Gets strategy to use to decide on decimation value. | |
void | setGoalNumberOfTriangles (int32_t goal) |
Sets goal number of triangles for the viewer to try to render. | |
int32_t | getGoalNumberOfTriangles () |
Gets goal number of triangles for the viewer to try to render. | |
void | setGoalFramesPerSecond (float goal) |
Sets goal frames per second for the viewer to try to render. | |
float | getGoalFramesPerSecond () |
Gets goal frames per second for the viewer to try to render. | |
void | setFixedPercentage (float percent) |
Sets fixed percentage for the viewer to render (0.0 to 1.0) Default is 1.0. | |
float | getFixedPercentage () |
Gets fixed percentage for the viewer to render (0.0 to 1.0) | |
void | enableFullRenderingWhenStill (SbBool onOff) |
If this flag is set, the viewer will render at full resolution when it sits still for a certain period of time. | |
SbBool | isFullRenderingWhenStill () |
Queries if the viewer will render at full resolution when it sits still for a certain period of time. | |
SbBool | isStillNow () |
Returns whether the viewer is currently still. | |
void | setFramesPerSecondCallback (SoWinViewerFPSCB *callback, void *userData=NULL) |
Registers frames per second callback. | |
void | setNumSamples (int numFrames) |
Sets how many frames should be timed before frames per second callback is called, default is 10. | |
int | getNumSamples () |
Gets how many frames should be timed before frames per second callback is called. | |
void | setDecimationPercentageCallback (SoWinViewerDecimationPercentageCB *callback, void *userData=NULL) |
Registers decimation percentage callback. | |
float | getCurrentDecimationPercentage () |
Returns the Decimation Percentage the viewer used in its last render. | |
void | enableMouseWheelDolly (SbBool onOff) |
Enable/disable moving the camera with the mouse wheel, TRUE by default. | |
void | setPickRadius (float radius) |
Sets the pick radius, in pixels, used by the viewer for picking and seeking actions. | |
float | getPickRadius () const |
Returns the current pick radius for picking and seeking actions. | |
virtual SoCamera * | getViewerCamera () |
Returns the camera so SoBaseStereo can manipulate it to achieve the stereo effect. | |
virtual SbBool | isViewerDoubleBuffer () |
Returns TRUE if viewer is double buffered. | |
virtual void | actualRendering () |
This method is called automatically when the viewer requests that its SoBaseStereo object perform stereo rendering. | |
virtual const SbVec2s & | getSize () |
Returns the size of the OpenGL drawing window in absolute screen coordinates (not relative to parent window) of the native window system (typically Y increasing downward). | |
virtual const SbVec2s & | getTopLeft () |
Returns the position of the OpenGL drawing window in absolute screen coordinates (not relative to parent window) of the native window system (typically Y increasing downward). | |
virtual const SbVec2s & | getBottomRight () |
Returns the position of the OpenGL drawing window in absolute screen coordinates (not relative to parent window) of the native window system (typically Y increasing downward). | |
void | setStereoViewType (SoBaseStereo *stereo) |
Set an implementation of stereo viewing to use. | |
SoBaseStereo * | getStereoViewType () |
Returns the current stereo implementation. | |
void | reverseStereoView (SbBool reverse) |
If TRUE, reverse the left and right eye views. | |
SbBool | isStereoViewReversed () |
Returns TRUE if the left and right eye views are reversed. | |
virtual void | setStereoAbsoluteAdjustments (SbBool absolute) |
If TRUE, use stereo absolute adjustments. | |
virtual SbBool | isStereoAbsoluteAdjustments () const |
Returns TRUE if stereo absolute adjustments are enabled. | |
virtual void | setStereoBalance (float balance, SbBool nearFrac=false) |
Sets the stereo balance (the position of the zero parallax plane). | |
virtual float | getStereoBalance () |
Returns the current stereo balance. | |
virtual SbBool | isStereoBalanceNearFrac () |
Returns TRUE if the stereo balance adjustement is defined as a fraction of the camera near distance. | |
virtual void | setStereoActive (SbBool activate) |
If TRUE, stero is activated. | |
virtual SbBool | isStereoActive () |
Returns TRUE if stereo is active. | |
void | setViewport (short left, short bottom, short width, short height) |
Sets viewport region with given origin (lower-left corner) and size, given as pixel coordinates. | |
void | getViewport (short &left, short &bottom, short &width, short &height) |
Returns viewport region as origin (lower-left corner) and size, given as pixel coordinates. | |
virtual void | setCursorStyle (SoWinViewer::CursorStyle style) |
Sets the cursor style. | |
SoWinViewer::CursorStyle | getCursorStyle () |
Returns the cursor style. | |
void | setAutoClipTolerance (float tolerance) |
Sets the auto clipping tolerance value. | |
float | getAutoClipTolerance () const |
Returns the auto clipping tolerance value. | |
virtual void | setCameraSceneGraph (SoNode *cameraSceneGraph) |
Sets the sub-scene graph to be used for viewAll computation. | |
SoNode * | getCameraSceneGraph () |
Gets the sub-scene graph to be viewed. | |
virtual void | toggleCameraType () |
This routine will toggle the current camera from perspective to orthographic, and from orthographic back to perspective. | |
SbBool | getDepthValue (int x, int y, float &depth) |
Returns the depth value, scaled between 0.0 and 1.0, from the depth buffer at window coordinates x, y. | |
Deprecated | |
virtual SoDEPRECATED void | adjustClippingPlanes () |
Along with the manipulation of the camera, SoBaseStereo needs to set the scene appropriately when changing the camera settings. | |
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SoWinRenderArea (SoWidget parent=NULL, const char *name=NULL, SbBool buildInsideParent=TRUE, SbBool getMouseInput=TRUE, SbBool getKeyboardInput=TRUE) | |
Constructor which is passed arguments which tell it whether to register the mouse and keyboard devices by default (SoWinMouse and SoWinKeyboard). | |
~SoWinRenderArea () | |
Destructor. | |
void | registerDevice (SoWinDevice *d) |
Registers interest in devices. | |
void | unregisterDevice (SoWinDevice *d) |
Unregisters interest in devices. | |
void | setBackgroundColor (const SbColor &c) |
Sets the background color for this window. | |
SbColor | getBackgroundColor () const |
Gets the background color for this window. | |
void | setBackgroundIndex (int index) |
Sets the window background color when in color index mode. | |
int | getBackgroundIndex () const |
Gets the window background color when in color index mode. | |
void | setColorMap (int startIndex, int num, const SbColor *colors) |
Sets the colors to use when displaying in color index mode. | |
void | setViewportRegion (const SbViewportRegion &newRegion) |
Sets viewport region to use for rendering. | |
const SbViewportRegion & | getViewportRegion () const |
Gets current viewport region to use for rendering. | |
void | setTransparencyType (SoGLRenderAction::TransparencyType type) |
Sets the algorithm for rendering transparent objects. | |
SoGLRenderAction::TransparencyType | getTransparencyType () const |
Gets the algorithm for rendering transparent objects. | |
void | setFastEditSavePolicy (SoGLRenderAction::FastEditSavePolicy policy, SbBool fastEditDelayedObjects=FALSE) |
Sets fast editing save policy to use when rendering. | |
SoGLRenderAction::FastEditSavePolicy | getFastEditSavePolicy () const |
Returns fast editing save policy used when rendering. | |
void | setInvalidateCacheMode (SoGLRenderAction::InvalidateCacheMode icm) |
Enables or disables the invalidation of render caches. | |
SoGLRenderAction::InvalidateCacheMode | getInvalidateCacheMode () |
Returns the current cache invalidation mode. | |
void | setClearBeforeRender (SbBool trueOrFalse, SbBool zbTrueOrFalse=TRUE) |
Enables/prevents window clearing from happening before a rendering starts (default is clear TRUE). | |
SbBool | isClearBeforeRender () const |
Queries whether the window will be cleared before rendering starts. | |
SbBool | isClearZBufferBeforeRender () const |
Queries whether the depth buffer (sometimes called the Z buffer) will be cleared before rendering starts. | |
void | setAutoRedraw (SbBool trueOrFalse) |
The render area will automatically redraw whenever something in the scene graph changes. | |
SbBool | isAutoRedraw () const |
Queries whether the render area will automatically redraw whenever something in the scene graph changes. | |
void | setRedrawPriority (unsigned long priority) |
Sets the priority of the redraw sensor. | |
unsigned long | getRedrawPriority () const |
Gets the priority of the redraw sensor. | |
void | render () |
Calling this forces the render area to be redrawn now. | |
void | scheduleRedraw () |
Schedules a redraw to happen sometime soon (as opposed to immediately). | |
void | redrawOnSelectionChange (SoSelection *s) |
Call this convenience method to have this render area redraw whenever the selection list changes in the passed node. | |
void | setEventCallback (SoWinRenderAreaEventCB *fcn, void *userData=NULL) |
Windows messages which occur in the render area window are either directly handled by the viewer (when this is really a viewer) or automatically translated to SoEvents, then passed into the scene graph (via the SoHandleEventAction) so that live scene graph objects can handle the message (when viewers are not in viewing mode). | |
void | setSceneManager (SoSceneManager *sm) |
Sets the normal scene manager. | |
SoSceneManager * | getSceneManager () const |
Gets the normal scene manager. | |
void | setGLRenderAction (SoGLRenderAction *ra) |
Sets the GL render action to use. | |
SoGLRenderAction * | getGLRenderAction () const |
Gets the current GL render action. | |
const SbGLShareContext | getShareContext () |
Returns the information needed to make OpenGL render contexts share OpenGL objects, for example, display lists and texture objects. | |
void | setPostRenderCallback (SoWinRenderAreaRenderCB *fcn, void *userData=NULL) |
Specifies a function to be called after the Open Inventor render traversal and immediately before the OpenGL buffer swap. | |
SoWinRenderAreaRenderCB * | getPostRenderCallback (const void *&userData) const |
Gets the post-render callback function and data. | |
void | setFloatingColorBuffer (SbBool enable, FloatColorBufferSize size=FLOAT_16_COLOR_BUFFER) |
Enables/disables floating point rendering using 16- or 32-bit components. | |
void | getFloatingColorBuffer (SbBool &enable, FloatColorBufferSize &size) |
Returns TRUE if floating point rendering is used and its precision. | |
void | sendEvent (XAnyEvent *anEvent) |
Sends the event to be processed by the renderArea. | |
virtual void | setMPEGRecorder (SoMPEGRenderer *recorder) |
Sets the recorder used for MPEG encoding. | |
virtual SoMPEGRenderer * | getMPEGRecorder () const |
Returns the recorder used for MPEG encoding. | |
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virtual Window | getNormalWindow () |
Gets the normal GL window, which is needed as an argument to SbGlContextHelper::makeCurrent() when drawing in the normal planes. | |
GLXContext | getNormalContext () |
Gets the normal context, which is needed as an argument to SbGlContextHelper::makeCurrent() when drawing in the normal planes. | |
virtual SoGLContext * | getNormalSoContext () |
Hdc | getNormalDC () const |
Returns the device context (which is needed for SbGlContextHelper::makeCurrent). | |
void | setStealFocus (SbBool onOrOff) |
By default the GLWidget "steals" focus whenever the cursor moves over it. | |
SoWidget | getNormalWidget () const |
Gets the normal window handle, which is needed as an argument to SbGlContextHelper::makeCurrent() when drawing in the normal planes. | |
XVisualInfo * | getNormalVisual () |
Returns the pixel format descriptor for the normal window. | |
virtual void | setPixelFormat (int format) |
Sets the current pixel format. | |
int | getPixelFormat () |
Returns the current pixel format. | |
void | setAntialiasing (const float quality, const SoSceneManager::AntialiasingMode mode=SoSceneManager::AUTO) |
Enable (or disable) antialiasing with specified quality and mode. | |
void | setAntialiasing (SoAntialiasingParameters *advancedParameters) |
Enable (or disable) antialiasing with specific parameters. | |
float | getAntialiasingQuality () const |
Returns the antialiasing quality set using the setAntialiasing(float,AntialiasingMode) method. | |
SoSceneManager::AntialiasingMode | getAntialiasingMode () const |
Returns the antialiasing mode set using the setAntialiasing(float,AntialiasingMode) method. | |
SoAntialiasingParameters * | getAntialiasingParameters () const |
Returns the antialiasing parameters set using the setAntialiasing(SoAntialiasingParameters*) method. | |
void | setDoubleBuffer (SbBool onOrOff) |
Routine that dynamically changes between single and double buffering. | |
SbBool | isDoubleBuffer () |
Returns whether double buffering is on or off. | |
void | setBorder (SbBool onOrOff) |
Included for portability only. | |
int | getBorderSize () |
Included for portability only. | |
SbBool | isBorder () const |
Included for portability only. | |
void | setDrawToFrontBufferEnable (SbBool enableFlag) |
Sets drawing to the front buffer. | |
SbBool | isDrawToFrontBufferEnable () const |
Returns whether drawing to the front buffer is enabled. | |
void | setCursor (Cursor newCursor) |
Sets the current cursor. | |
Cursor | getCursor () |
Returns the current cursor. | |
virtual SbBool | bindNormalContext () |
Makes the normal rendering context the current context. | |
virtual SbBool | unbindNormalContext () |
unbind the current context (previously bind with bindNormalContext ); | |
virtual SbBool | swapNormalBuffers () |
Swaps the normal front and back buffers. | |
SoGLGraphicConfigTemplate * | getGraphicConfigTemplate () |
Gets the current graphics configuration template. | |
void | setGraphicConfigTemplate (SoGLGraphicConfigTemplate *gTemplate) |
Sets a new graphics configuration template. | |
bool | saveSnapshot (const SbString &filename, bool overwrite=true) |
Save a snapshot of the current image displayed in the viewer. | |
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virtual void | show () |
This shows the component. | |
virtual void | hide () |
This hides the component. | |
SbBool | isVisible () |
Returns TRUE if this component is mapped onto the screen. | |
SoWidget | getWidget () const |
This returns the base window handle for this component. | |
SbBool | isTopLevelShell () const |
Returns TRUE if this component is a top level shell component (has its own window). | |
SoWidget | getShellWidget () const |
Returns the shell window handle (NULL if the shell hasn't been created by this component). | |
SoWidget | getParentWidget () const |
Returns the parent window handle, be it a shell or not. | |
void | setSize (const SbVec2s &size) |
Convenience routine on the window handle. | |
SbVec2s | getSize () |
Convenience routine on the window handle. | |
SbBool | setFullScreen (const SbBool enable) |
Switches the viewer into (or out of) fullscreen mode. | |
SbBool | isFullScreen () const |
Queries if the viewer is in fullscreen mode. | |
void | setFullScreenEnable (const SbBool enable) |
Enables/disables fullscreen mode. | |
SbBool | isFullScreenEnable (void) const |
Queries if it is possible to put the viewer in fullscreen mode. | |
UINT * | getDisplay () |
Included for portability only. | |
SoNONUNICODE void | setTitle (const char *newTitle) |
Sets window title. | |
void | setTitle (const SbString &newTitle) |
Sets window title. | |
SbString | getTitle () const |
Gets window title. | |
SoNONUNICODE void | setIconTitle (const char *newIconTitle) |
Included for portability only. | |
void | setIconTitle (const SbString &newIconTitle) |
Included for portability only. | |
SbString | getIconTitle () const |
Included for portability only. | |
void | setWindowCloseCallback (SoWinComponentCB *func, void *data=NULL) |
Sets which callback to call when the user closes this component (double click in the upper left corner) - by default hide() is called on this component, unless a callback is specified. | |
SbString | getWidgetName () const |
Returns the window handle name. | |
SbString | getClassName () const |
Returns the class name. | |
virtual | ~SoWinComponent () |
Destructor. | |
![]() | |
virtual | ~SoStereoViewer () |
Destructor. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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static unsigned long | getDefaultRedrawPriority () |
Gets the default priority number of the redraw sensor. | |
static SbBool | isFloatingColorBufferSupported () |
Returns TRUE if floating point rendering is available. | |
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SoDEPRECATED static SoNONUNICODE void | displayHelp (const char *filename, UINT contextID) |
Static method to display the specified topic of the specified help file. | |
static SoDEPRECATED void | displayHelp (const SbString &filename, UINT contextID) |
Static method to display the specified topic of the specified help file. | |
static SoWinComponent * | getComponent (SoWidget w) |
Returns the SoWinComponent for this window handle. | |
![]() | |
SbString | helpFileName |
Name of help file to open when the viewer Help button is pressed. | |
UINT | helpContextID |
The context ID of the help topic to open when the viewer Help button is pressed. | |
SbString | helpContextString |
The TopicID of the help topic to open when the viewer Help button is pressed. | |
Viewer component lowest base class.
This is the lowest base class for viewer components. This class adds the notion of a camera to the SoWinRenderArea class. Whenever a new scene is specified with setSceneGraph(), the first camera encountered will be by default used as the edited camera. If no camera is found in the scene, the viewer will automatically create one. If the viewer type is SoWinViewer::BROWSER then the camera is told to view the supplied scene graph but is not added beneath that scene graph root. If the viewer type is SoWinViewer::EDITOR then the camera is added beneath the supplied scene graph root.
In addition to automatically creating a camera if needed, this base class also creates a headlight (directional light which is made to follow the camera), and enables the user to change drawing styles (like wireframe or move wireframe), and buffering types. When the headlight is enabled, a group node is added immediately following the edited camera. This group contains a directional light node.
This base class also provides a convenient way to have the camera near and far clipping planes be automatically adjusted to minimize the clipping of objects in the scene.
Viewers allow the application to shadow message processing. When the application registers a message processing callback by calling setEventCallback() the viewer will invoke this callback for every Windows message it receives. However, unlike the render area, the viewer ignores the return value of this callback, and processes the message as usual. This allows the application to expand viewing capabilities without breaking the viewing paradigm. It is an easy way to hook up other devices, like the spaceball, to an existing viewer.
Depending on the DecimationStrategy, a viewer can control the complexity of a scene by adjusting the Decimation elements to reach certain goals. The viewer can attempt to keep a constant frame rate or a constant number of triangles rendered. The viewer can be set to switch to full detail when the scene is not moving.
In order to set the frame rate, the viewer times each render action traversal, and then adjusts the Decimation percentage to keep the time within a range depending on the goal frames per second. To fix the number of triangles, the viewer applies a GetPrimitiveCountAction before each traversal and sets the DecimationPercentage to the desired percentage of the resulting count.
If the DecimationStrategy is NORMAL (the default) then nothing special is done. If the strategy is FIXED_PERCENTAGE, then the same percentage is used for every render. Also note that FIXED_PERCENTAGE sets the DecimationType to be PERCENTAGE (all others use AUTOMATIC), which means that SoLODs will not use the camera position in their calculations, and can therefore be cached.
The application can add callbacks from the viewer to get the current decimation level, the current primitive count and the current frames per second. The decimation level and primitive count callbacks are called every frame. The frames per second callback is called after a certain number of samples have been averaged together.
SoWinComponent, SoWinRenderArea, SoWinExaminerViewer, SoWinWalkViewer, SoWinFlyViewer, SoWinPlaneViewer
Definition at line 180 of file SoWinViewer.h.
typedef void SoWinViewerCameraTypeChangeCB(void *userData, SoCamera *camera, SoWinViewer *viewer) |
Definition at line 83 of file SoWinViewer.h.
typedef void SoWinViewerCB(void *userData, SoWinViewer *viewer) |
Definition at line 77 of file SoWinViewer.h.
typedef void SoWinViewerDecimationPercentageCB(float percentage, void *userData, SoWinViewer *viewer) |
Definition at line 98 of file SoWinViewer.h.
typedef void SoWinViewerFPSCB(float fps, void *userData, SoWinViewer *viewer) |
Large Model Viewing notification callbacks for frames per second and decimation percentage.
Definition at line 92 of file SoWinViewer.h.
list of different buffering types
Enumerator | |
BUFFER_SINGLE | Single buffer. |
BUFFER_DOUBLE | Double buffer. |
BUFFER_INTERACTIVE | Double buffer while interactive viewing. |
Definition at line 270 of file SoWinViewer.h.
Classic cursors are all white and tend to disappear over white geometry or white background.
New styles avoid that problem (but have quirks of their own of course :-). Added for v2.6
Enumerator | |
CLASSIC | Standard Open Inventor cursors. |
XOR | Improved cursors using XOR. |
SHADOW | Improved cursors using "shadow". |
Definition at line 313 of file SoWinViewer.h.
list of decimation strategies
Enumerator | |
NORMAL | Decimation is not changed. |
FIXED_NUM_TRIANGLES | Try to fix number of triangles drawn. |
FRAMES_PER_SECOND | Try to fix frames per second. |
FIXED_PERCENTAGE | Use given decimation percentage. |
Definition at line 288 of file SoWinViewer.h.
list of possible drawing styles
Note: Refer to the SoWinViewer man pages for a complete description of those draw styles.
Definition at line 212 of file SoWinViewer.h.
Enumerator | |
STILL | Applies to static rendering. |
INTERACTIVE | Applies to rendering while interactive viewing. |
Definition at line 256 of file SoWinViewer.h.
enum SoWinViewer::Type |
An EDITOR viewer will create a camera under the user supplied scene graph (specified in setSceneGraph()) if it cannot find one in the scene and will leave the camera behind when supplied with a new scene.
A BROWSER viewer will also create a camera if it cannot find one in the scene, but will place it above the scene graph node (camera will not appear in the user supplied scene graph), and will automatically remove it when another scene is supplied to the viewer.
Enumerator | |
BROWSER | Camera views scene, but is not added to scene. |
EDITOR | Camera is added to user's scene. |
Definition at line 194 of file SoWinViewer.h.
virtual |
This method is called automatically when the viewer requests that its SoBaseStereo object perform stereo rendering.
actualRendering() may then be called twice (once for each eye view) and therefore must not take into account any stereo-specific settings. It should behave as if it were a rendering method for a monoscopic view.
Implements SoStereoViewer.
inline |
Adds finish callback routine on the viewer.
Start callbacks are called whenever the user starts doing interactive viewing (for example, mouse down), and finish callbacks are called when user is done doing interactive work (for example, mouse up).
Note: The viewer "this" pointer is passed as callback data.
Definition at line 696 of file SoWinViewer.h.
inline |
Adds start callback routine on the viewer.
Start callbacks are called whenever the user starts doing interactive viewing (for example, mouse down), and finish callbacks are called when user is done doing interactive work (for example, mouse up).
Note: The viewer "this" pointer is passed as callback data.
Definition at line 684 of file SoWinViewer.h.
virtual |
Along with the manipulation of the camera, SoBaseStereo needs to set the scene appropriately when changing the camera settings.
void SoWinViewer::copyView | ( | Time | eventTime | ) |
Copies the view.
eventTime should be the time of the Windows message which initiated the copy (e.g. if copy is initiated from a keystroke, eventTime should be the time in the key down message.)
void SoWinViewer::enableFullRenderingWhenStill | ( | SbBool | onOff | ) |
If this flag is set, the viewer will render at full resolution when it sits still for a certain period of time.
Default is false.
The default value can be set using the environment variable OIV_FULL_RENDER_WHEN_STILL (0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE).
inline |
Enable/disable moving the camera with the mouse wheel, TRUE by default.
Definition at line 853 of file SoWinViewer.h.
inlinevirtual |
If FALSE, the seek functionality is disabled for an SoOrthographicCamera.
Default is TRUE.
Definition at line 399 of file SoWinViewer.h.
inline |
Returns the auto clipping tolerance value.
Definition at line 1023 of file SoWinViewer.h.
virtual |
Returns the position of the OpenGL drawing window in absolute screen coordinates (not relative to parent window) of the native window system (typically Y increasing downward).
Returns "Bottom" in the first value of the vector and "Right" in the second value (reverse of the usual X,Y ordering). This is important, for example, for interlaced auto-stereo displays that need the left or right eye view specifically on even or odd pixel row/column.
Implements SoStereoViewer.
inline |
Gets the current buffering type in the main view.
Definition at line 525 of file SoWinViewer.h.
inline |
Gets the camera controlled by the viewer.
Warning: Do not store this pointer. The viewer will destroy the current camera and create a new one if the user switches between perspective and orthographic projection. See also setCameraTypeChangeCallback().
Definition at line 361 of file SoWinViewer.h.
SoNode * SoWinViewer::getCameraSceneGraph | ( | ) |
Gets the sub-scene graph to be viewed.
inline |
Gets the camera type that will be created by the viewer if no cameras are found in the scene graph (see SoPerspectiveCamera and SoOrthographicCamera).
Definition at line 377 of file SoWinViewer.h.
float SoWinViewer::getCurrentDecimationPercentage | ( | ) |
Returns the Decimation Percentage the viewer used in its last render.
inline |
Returns the cursor style.
Definition at line 1006 of file SoWinViewer.h.
inline |
Gets strategy to use to decide on decimation value.
Definition at line 755 of file SoWinViewer.h.
inline |
Returns the depth value, scaled between 0.0 and 1.0, from the depth buffer at window coordinates x, y.
This is only valid after a traversal of the scene graph e.g., in a post render callback (see SoWinRenderArea::setPostRenderCallback()).
Definition at line 1084 of file SoWinViewer.h.
SoWinViewer::DrawStyle SoWinViewer::getDrawStyle | ( | SoWinViewer::DrawType | type | ) |
Queries the current drawing style in the main view.
inline |
Gets fixed percentage for the viewer to render (0.0 to 1.0)
Definition at line 798 of file SoWinViewer.h.
inline |
Gets goal frames per second for the viewer to try to render.
Definition at line 784 of file SoWinViewer.h.
inline |
Gets goal number of triangles for the viewer to try to render.
Definition at line 770 of file SoWinViewer.h.
inline |
Returns the headlight node.
Definition at line 459 of file SoWinViewer.h.
inline |
Gets how many frames should be timed before frames per second callback is called.
Definition at line 836 of file SoWinViewer.h.
float SoWinViewer::getPickRadius | ( | ) | const |
Returns the current pick radius for picking and seeking actions.
virtual |
Gets the scene graph to be rendered in this component's window.
Reimplemented from SoWinRenderArea.
inline |
Queries the seek time.
Definition at line 673 of file SoWinViewer.h.
virtual |
Returns the size of the OpenGL drawing window in absolute screen coordinates (not relative to parent window) of the native window system (typically Y increasing downward).
Implements SoStereoViewer.
virtual |
Returns the current stereo balance.
Implements SoStereoViewer.
virtual |
virtual |
Returns the current stereo implementation.
Implements SoStereoViewer.
virtual |
Returns the position of the OpenGL drawing window in absolute screen coordinates (not relative to parent window) of the native window system (typically Y increasing downward).
Returns "Top" in the first value of the vector and "Left" in the second value (reverse of the usual X,Y ordering). This is important, for example, for interlaced auto-stereo displays that need the left or right eye view specifically on even or odd pixel row/column.
Implements SoStereoViewer.
virtual |
Returns the camera so SoBaseStereo can manipulate it to achieve the stereo effect.
Implements SoStereoViewer.
virtual |
Returns viewport region as origin (lower-left corner) and size, given as pixel coordinates.
Implements SoStereoViewer.
inline |
Queries if auto clipping is ON.
Definition at line 597 of file SoWinViewer.h.
inlinevirtual |
Query whether the SoPerspectiveCamera's heightAngle is preserved if the camera is changed to an SoOrthographicCamera and then toggled back to an SoPerspectiveCamera.
Definition at line 392 of file SoWinViewer.h.
inline |
Queries whether the viewer is allowed to change the cursor over the renderArea window.
Definition at line 581 of file SoWinViewer.h.
inline |
Queries whether detail seek is on.
Definition at line 654 of file SoWinViewer.h.
inline |
Queries if the viewer will render at full resolution when it sits still for a certain period of time.
Definition at line 814 of file SoWinViewer.h.
inline |
Queries if the headlight is on.
Definition at line 454 of file SoWinViewer.h.
inline |
Queries whether the seek mode is active.
See setSeekMode() for details.
Definition at line 561 of file SoWinViewer.h.
inlinevirtual |
Query whether the seek functionality is enabled for an SoOrthographicCamera.
Definition at line 405 of file SoWinViewer.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns TRUE if stereo absolute adjustments are enabled.
Reimplemented from SoStereoViewer.
Definition at line 947 of file SoWinViewer.h.
virtual |
Returns TRUE if stereo is active.
Implements SoStereoViewer.
virtual |
Returns TRUE if the stereo balance adjustement is defined as a fraction of the camera near distance.
Implements SoStereoViewer.
virtual |
Queries if stereo viewing is on or off on the viewer.
See setStereoViewing() for additional info.
virtual |
Returns TRUE if the left and right eye views are reversed.
Implements SoStereoViewer.
inline |
Returns whether the viewer is currently still.
Definition at line 819 of file SoWinViewer.h.
virtual |
Returns TRUE if viewer is double buffered.
Implements SoStereoViewer.
inline |
Queries whether the viewer is turned on or off.
See setViewing() for details.
Definition at line 545 of file SoWinViewer.h.
void SoWinViewer::pasteView | ( | Time | eventTime | ) |
Pastes the view.
eventTime should be the time of the Windows message which initiated the paste (e.g. if paste is initiated from a keystroke, eventTime should be the time in the key down message.)
virtual |
This can be used to let the viewer know that the scene graph has changed so that the viewer can recompute things like speed which depend on the scene graph size.
Note: This routine is automatically called whenever setSceneGraph() is called.
Reimplemented in SoWinConstrainedViewer.
inline |
Removes finish callback routine from the viewer.
Note: The viewer "this" pointer is passed as callback data.
Definition at line 714 of file SoWinViewer.h.
inline |
Removes start callback routine from the viewer.
Note: The viewer "this" pointer is passed as callback data.
Definition at line 705 of file SoWinViewer.h.
virtual |
Restores the camera values.
Reimplemented in SoWinConstrainedViewer, SoWinExaminerViewer, and SoWinFlyViewer.
virtual |
If TRUE, reverse the left and right eye views.
Implements SoStereoViewer.
virtual |
Saves the camera values.
Reimplemented in SoWinConstrainedViewer.
void SoWinViewer::setAutoClipping | ( | SbBool | onOrOff | ) |
Sets the auto clipping plane.
When auto clipping is ON, the camera near and far planes are dynamically adjusted to be as tight as possible around the objects being viewed.
Default is ON. The default value can be set using the environment variable OIV_AUTO_CLIPPING (0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE).
inline |
Sets the auto clipping tolerance value.
Auto clipping normally sets the near and far clip planes based on the scene's bounding box. If the camera is inside the scene bounding box, the near plane is moved in front of the camera using tolerance *bbox size. The default is 0.001.
The default value can be set using the environment variable OIV_AUTO_CLIP_TOLERANCE.
Definition at line 1018 of file SoWinViewer.h.
void SoWinViewer::setBufferingType | ( | SoWinViewer::BufferType | type | ) |
Sets the current buffering type in the main view (default SoWinViewer::BUFFER_DOUBLE).
virtual |
Sets the camera that will be controlled by the viewer.
Setting the camera is only needed if the first camera found in the scene when setting the scene graph isn't the one that should be controlled.
Reimplemented in SoWinExaminerViewer, SoWinFlyViewer, SoWinFullViewer, SoWinPlaneViewer, SoWinWalkViewer, and SoWinConstrainedViewer.
virtual |
Sets the sub-scene graph to be used for viewAll computation.
If this sub-scene graph contains a camera, this camera will be used as the viewer camera. Otherwise the first camera of the scene graph will be used. If no camera is found, the viewer will create its own above the root.
When viewAll computes the bounding box that will be used for determining where to position the camera, it will base its computation on this sub-scene graph rather than on the entire scene graph.
It is useful to specify a sub-scene graph when, for instance, you are using a second camera in the scene, followed by annotation. With this method you can exclude the annotation from the viewAll bounding box computation. Note that since Open Inventor 8.0 you can also exclude portions of the scene graph from the bounding box computation using an SoBBox node.
This method can also be useful when using PoView/PoSceneView. As the viewer uses the first camera it finds, it could find the camera of a PoView/PoSceneView. The bounding box would be computed based on the sub-scene graph owned by this PoView/PoSceneView. Thus the global bounding box of the whole scene would be wrong, causing some clipping problems when viewing.
virtual |
Sets the camera type that will be created by the viewer if no cameras are found in the scene graph (see SoPerspectiveCamera and SoOrthographicCamera).
By default an SoPerspectiveCamera will be created if no cameras are found.
Note: The set method will only take effect the next time a scene graph is specified (and if no cameras are found).
Reimplemented in SoWinFlyViewer, and SoWinWalkViewer.
void SoWinViewer::setCameraTypeChangeCallback | ( | SoWinViewerCameraTypeChangeCB * | callback, |
void * | userdata | ||
) |
Defines a callback which is called each time the camera type has changed (change from SoPerspectiveCamera to SoOrthographicCamera or vice versa).
virtual |
Sets whether the viewer is allowed to change the cursor over the renderArea window.
When disabled, the cursor is undefined by the viewer and will not change as the mode of the viewer changes. When re-enabled, the viewer will reset it to the appropriate icon.
Disabling the cursor enables the application to set the cursor directly on the viewer window or on any parent widget of the viewer. This can be used when setting a busy cursor on the application shell.
Reimplemented in SoWinExaminerViewer, SoWinFlyViewer, SoWinPlaneViewer, and SoWinWalkViewer.
virtual |
Sets the cursor style.
The standard Open Inventor (CLASSIC) cursors use all white pixels, which can be difficult to see over light colored geometry or background. The XOR and SHADOW style cursors are much easier to see. The XOR style cursors that have a "hand" shape differ from the other styles in that the cursor hotspot is at the tip of the index finger. This generally works better for picking.
The cursor can also be specified using environment variable OIV_CURSOR_STYLE, where the values 0, 1, and 2 specify Classic, XOR, and Shadow cursors respectively.
Note: This method only has an effect if setCursorEnabled is set to TRUE.
void SoWinViewer::setDecimationPercentageCallback | ( | SoWinViewerDecimationPercentageCB * | callback, |
void * | userData = NULL |
) |
Registers decimation percentage callback.
void SoWinViewer::setDecimationStrategy | ( | SoWinViewer::DecimationStrategy | strategy | ) |
Sets strategy to use to decide on decimation value.
Default is normal.
inline |
When the viewer is in seek mode, left mouse clicks initiate a pick, and the viewer changes its orientation and position to look at the picked object.
This routine tells the seeking viewer whether to orient the camera towards the picked point (detail on), or the center of the object's bounding box (detail off). Default is detail on.
Definition at line 649 of file SoWinViewer.h.
void SoWinViewer::setDrawStyle | ( | SoWinViewer::DrawType | type, |
SoWinViewer::DrawStyle | style | ||
) |
Sets the current drawing style in the main view.
The user can specify the INTERACTIVE draw style (draw style used when the scene changes) independently from the STILL style. Default is VIEW_AS_IS draw style for STILL and VIEW_SAME_AS_STILL for INTERACTIVE.
Possible draw styles are: VIEW_AS_IS - Leaves the objects unchanged.
VIEW_HIDDEN_LINE - Renders the object as wireframe, but only shows the object front faces. This is accomplished using a two-pass rendering. In the first pass, the objects are rendered as FILLED using the background BASE_COLOR (this sets up the wanted z-buffer values). The second pass then renders the objects as LINES, while adjusting the z-buffer range to limit overlapping polygons problems.
VIEW_NO_TEXTURE - Renders the objects without any textures. This is done by setting the override flag on an empty SoTexture2 node.
VIEW_LOW_COMPLEXITY - Renders the objects without any textures and with a low complexity. This is done by setting the override flag on an empty SoTexture2 node, and by setting a low complexity value on an SoComplexity node with override set to TRUE.
VIEW_LINE - Renders the objects as LINES (no texture) with lighting model set to BASE_COLOR.
VIEW_LOW_RES_LINE - Renders the objects as LINES (no texture) using a low complexity, with lighting model set to BASE_COLOR and no depth comparison.
VIEW_POINT - Renders the objects as POINTS (no texture) with lighting model set to BASE_COLOR.
VIEW_LOW_RES_POINT - Renders the objects as POINTS (no texture) using a low complexity, with lighting model set to BASE_COLOR and no depth comparison.
VIEW_BBOX - Renders the objects with complexity BOUNDING_BOX, lighting model set to BASE_COLOR and drawing style LINES (no texture) with no depth comparison.
VIEW_SAME_AS_STILL - This only applies to INTERACTIVE draw type. It enables the interactive draw style mode to match the regular draw style mode without having to set it explicitly.
void SoWinViewer::setFixedPercentage | ( | float | percent | ) |
Sets fixed percentage for the viewer to render (0.0 to 1.0) Default is 1.0.
The default value can be set using the environment variable OIV_DECIMATION_PERCENTAGE (0.0 to 1.0).
void SoWinViewer::setFramesPerSecondCallback | ( | SoWinViewerFPSCB * | callback, |
void * | userData = NULL |
) |
Registers frames per second callback.
void SoWinViewer::setGoalFramesPerSecond | ( | float | goal | ) |
Sets goal frames per second for the viewer to try to render.
Default is 8.0.
The default value can be set using the environment variable OIV_DECIMATION_GOAL_FPS.
void SoWinViewer::setGoalNumberOfTriangles | ( | int32_t | goal | ) |
Sets goal number of triangles for the viewer to try to render.
Default is 10000.
The default value can be set using the environment variable OIV_DECIMATION_GOAL_NUM_OF_TRIANGLES.
void SoWinViewer::setHeadlight | ( | SbBool | onOrOff | ) |
Turns the headlight on/off (default on).
The default value can be set using the environment variable OIV_USE_HEADLIGHT (0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE).
virtual |
Specifies the exact pixel format descriptor for the normal window.
This allows the user to create all possible pixel format descriptors supported by OpenGL. The PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR structure should be a valid OpenGL pixel format descriptor returned by ChoosePixelFormat(). (The methods for setting the pixel format descriptor are virtual so that derived classes can know when the pixel format descriptor is changing.)
Reimplemented from SoWinGLWidget.
void SoWinViewer::setNumSamples | ( | int | numFrames | ) |
Sets how many frames should be timed before frames per second callback is called, default is 10.
void SoWinViewer::setPickRadius | ( | float | radius | ) |
Sets the pick radius, in pixels, used by the viewer for picking and seeking actions.
Effectively calls setRadius on the viewer's internal SoRayPickAction. The default is the SoRayPickAction default (5 pixels).
Specifying a radius of 0 may give better performance. In particular, some shapes like MoMeshSkin implement a fast GPU picking algorithm that can only be used when radius is 0.
inlinevirtual |
If TRUE, an SoPerspectiveCamera's heightAngle is preserved if the camera is changed to an SoOrthographicCamera and then toggled back to an SoPerspectiveCamera.
Default is FALSE.
Definition at line 384 of file SoWinViewer.h.
virtual |
Sets the scene graph to render.
Whenever a new scene is supplied the first camera encountered will be by default used as the edited camera, else a new camera will be created. If the scene graph does not contain any light nodes, the viewer inserts a headlight (directional light which is made to follow the camera) immediately after the camera. See the main description of this class for further details.
Reimplemented from SoWinRenderArea.
virtual |
Externally set the viewer into/out off seek mode (default OFF).
Actual seeking will not happen until the viewer decides to (ex: mouse click).
Note: setting the viewer out of seek mode while the camera is being animated will stop the animation to the current location.
Reimplemented in SoWinExaminerViewer, SoWinFlyViewer, SoWinPlaneViewer, and SoWinWalkViewer.
inline |
Sets the time a seek takes to change to the new camera location.
A value of zero seeks directly to the point without any animation. Default value is 2 seconds.
For historical reasons, setting the seek time to zero causes the viewer to stay in seek mode. If you want the camera to move immediately to its new position and still have the viewer leave seek mode after moving the camera, set the seek time to a very small non-zero value.
The default value can be set using the environment variable OIV_SEEK_TIME.
Definition at line 668 of file SoWinViewer.h.
virtual |
If TRUE, use stereo absolute adjustments.
Reimplemented from SoStereoViewer.
virtual |
If TRUE, stero is activated.
Default is FALSE. The default can be set using the OIV_STEREO_ACTIVE environment variable.
Implements SoStereoViewer.
virtual |
Sets the stereo balance (the position of the zero parallax plane).
Default is 1.0. The default can be set using the OIV_STEREO_BALANCE environment variable.
Implements SoStereoViewer.
virtual |
virtual |
Turns stereo viewing on/off on the viewer (default off).
To insure backward compatibility with older Open Inventor versions, and specifically with the old stereo model, this method still applies to stereo. Like the current stereo model, the old model makes use of an offset to represent the eye separation. However, instead of adapting the view volume, the cameras were rotated toward the default point of focus, creating the stereo viewing angle.
If no type of stereo (from the current stereo model) is set on the viewer and setStereoViewing() is called, then the old stereo model is in effect. Note that setStereoViewing is the method that actually sets OpenGL in stereo mode. If the old stereo model is in effect, then the offset passed to setStereoOffset() is no longer a factor but the actual value used to separate the cameras. In that case, the default value for the offset is 3.
When in stereo mode, which may not work on all machines, the scene is rendered twice (in the left and right buffers) with an offset between the two views to simulate stereo viewing. Stereo glasses may be needed to see the effect. Old style stereo viewing is only possible with a graphics board that has support for stereo.
See SoStereoViewer for information on the current stereo model.
virtual |
Set an implementation of stereo viewing to use.
If stereo is NULL, stereo is inactivated (see setStereoActive). Default is SoAnaglyphStereo with RED_CYAN color filter. The default can be set using the OIV_STEREO_TYPE environment variable.
Implements SoStereoViewer.
virtual |
Sets whether the viewer is turned on or off.
When turned on, messages are consumed by the viewer. When viewing is off, messages are processed by the viewer's render area. This means messages will be sent down to the scene graph for processing (i.e. picking can occur). Note that if the application has registered a message callback , it will be invoked on every message, whether viewing is turned on or not. However, the return value of this callback (which specifies whether the callback handled the message or not) is ignored when viewing is on. That is, the viewer will process the message even if the callback already did. This is to ensure that the viewing paradigm is not broken (default viewing is on).
Reimplemented in SoWinExaminerViewer, SoWinFlyViewer, SoWinFullViewer, SoWinPlaneViewer, and SoWinWalkViewer.
virtual |
Sets viewport region with given origin (lower-left corner) and size, given as pixel coordinates.
Implements SoStereoViewer.
virtual |
This routine will toggle the current camera from perspective to orthographic, and from orthographic back to perspective.
Note: It is not actually possible to "toggle" the type of a camera. In fact the current camera will be replaced by a new camera of the appropriate type. Of course the current camera node will be destroyed in the process unless it has been ref'd elsewhere.
virtual |
Changes the camera position to view the entire scene (the camera zoom or orientation isn't changed).
The viewer applies an SoGetBoundingBoxAction to the scene graph to get bounding box of the entire scene. The bounding box will only include shapes that are actually traversed. For example the bounding box will not include shapes under an SoSwitch with whichChild set to SO_SWITCH_NONE. The action does not consider the visibility of shapes that are traversed. In other words the bounding box will include shapes that are invisible (SoDrawStyle), shapes that are clipped (SoClipPlane), etc. Use an SoBBox node to exclude shapes from the bounding box computation. Bounding boxes are automatically cached at SoSeparator nodes, so getting the bounding box is very fast when the scene graph has not been changed.
See all SoCamera::viewAll(). This method allows the application to adjust the camera based on a specific sub-graph or path in the scene graph.
Reimplemented in SoWinExaminerViewer.