Open Inventor Release 2024.2.0
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Polyhedron example

MeshViz polyhedron example.

This program shows how to visualize dataset values inside a polyhedron.

A grid plane slice is applied on a polyhedron to display the dataset values inside the cell.

Click on the arrow icon to enable keyboard events.

Hit the u/d key to increase/decrease the grid density. The grid can be manipulated in 3D using the associated dragger.

The skin of this cell is also added to the scene.

Hit 1 to 3 to switch between various types of polyhedron.

Hit the m key to toggle the cell visibility.

Hit the s key to toggle the slice visibility.


    • MeshVizXLM/mapping/Polyhedron/polyhedron.cxx


MoMesh MoScalarSetI MoMeshSkin MoMeshGridPlaneSlice MoPredefinedColorMapping MoMaterial MoDrawStyle