Open Inventor Release 2024.2.2
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class  MiCylinderSliceExtractHexahedronIjk
  MeshViz Cylinder slice extractor for hexahedron IJK volume meshes More...
class  MiCylinderSliceExtractIjk
  MeshViz Cylinder slice extractor for structured volume meshes More...
class  MiCylinderSliceExtractUnstructured
  MeshViz Cylinder slice extractor for unstructured volume meshes More...
class  MiFenceSliceExtractHexahedronIjk
  MeshViz Fence slice extractor for hexahedron Ijk meshes More...
class  MiFenceSliceExtractIjk
  MeshViz Fence slice extractor for structured volume meshes More...
class  MiFenceSliceExtractUnstructured
  MeshViz Fence slice extractor for unstructured volume meshes More...
class  MiGridPlaneSliceExtractHexahedronIjk
  MeshViz Grid plane slice extractor on hexahedron IJK volume meshes More...
class  MiGridPlaneSliceExtractIjk
  MeshViz Grid plane slice extractor on structured volume meshes More...
class  MiGridPlaneSliceExtractUnstructured
  MeshViz Grid plane slice extractor on unstructured volume meshes More...
class  MiPlaneSliceExtractHexahedronIjk
  MeshViz Plane slice extractor for hexahedron IJK volume meshes More...
class  MiPlaneSliceExtractIjk
  MeshViz Plane slice extractor for structured volume meshes More...
class  MiPlaneSliceExtractUnstructured
  MeshViz Plane slice extractor for unstructured volume meshes More...
class  MiSphereSliceExtractHexahedronIjk
  MeshViz Sphere slice extractor for hexahedron IJK volume meshes More...
class  MiSphereSliceExtractIjk
  MeshViz Sphere slice extractor for structured volume meshes More...
class  MiSphereSliceExtractUnstructured
  MeshViz Sphere slice extractor for unstructured volume meshes More...


typedef SoDEPRECATED MiCylinderSliceExtractHexahedronIjk MiCylinderSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk
  MeshViz Cylinder slice extractor for hexahedron IJK volume meshes
typedef SoDEPRECATED MiFenceSliceExtractHexahedronIjk MiFenceSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk
  MeshViz Fence slice extractor for hexahedron Ijk meshes
typedef SoDEPRECATED MiGridPlaneSliceExtractHexahedronIjk MiGridPlaneSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk
  MeshViz Grid plane slice extractor on hexahedron IJK volume meshes
typedef SoDEPRECATED MiPlaneSliceExtractHexahedronIjk MiPlaneSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk
  MeshViz Plane slice extractor for hexahedron IJK volume meshes
typedef SoDEPRECATED MiSphereSliceExtractHexahedronIjk MiSphereSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk
  MeshViz Sphere slice extractor for hexahedron IJK volume meshes

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

◆ MiCylinderSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk

MeshViz Cylinder slice extractor for hexahedron IJK volume meshes

A cylinder slice is a surface mesh defined by the intersection of a cylinder of infinite length with the input mesh. The cylinder is defined by a point on its central axis, a vector representing the central axis direction and the radius.

Additional data sets can be mapped onto this extracted surface by calling the extractScalarSet() or extractVec3Set() methods.

The following sample code shows how to extract a cylinder slice from a mesh:

MiCylinderSliceExtractHexahedronIjk* cylinderSliceExtract =
const MeXSurfaceMeshUnstructured& cylinderSlice =
cylinderSliceExtract->extractSlice(center, radius, direction, NULL);
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extMV.gif" alt="MeshViz" border="0"></a> Extracted unstructured s...
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extMV.gif" alt="MeshViz" border="0"></a> Cylinder slice extractor...
static MiCylinderSliceExtractHexahedronIjk * getNewInstance(const MiVolumeMeshHexahedronIjk &mesh, bool parallel=true, MiTessellator *tessellator=NULL)
Factory method returning a new instance of a class implementing this interface.
virtual const MeXSurfaceMeshUnstructured & extractSlice(const MbVec3< double > &center, double radius, const MbVec3< double > &direction, const MiCellFilterIjk *cellFilter=NULL)=0
Builds the topology and geometry of a cylinder slice intersecting the volume mesh.

Definition at line 57 of file MiCylinderSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk.h.

◆ MiFenceSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk

MeshViz Fence slice extractor for hexahedron Ijk meshes

A fence slice is an unstructured surface mesh defined by the intersection of several arbitrary planes (the fences) with a volume mesh. These fences are defined by a polyline and a direction. Each segment of the polyline is extruded along the direction to form a clipped plane slice. Thus, each fence goes through a segment of the polyline. Each plane slice is clipped by the extrusion of the 2 endpoints of each segment in the direction. The extracted fence slice is an unstructured surface.


MoMeshFenceSlice, MiFenceSliceExtractIjk, MiFenceSliceExtractUnstructured

Definition at line 45 of file MiFenceSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk.h.

◆ MiGridPlaneSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk

MeshViz Grid plane slice extractor on hexahedron IJK volume meshes

This extractor is similar to the plane slice extractor except that it creates a structured mesh and probes the input volume to compute the values at the surface nodes and cells (See MiPointProbeUnstructured for settings). The grid created by this extractor is computed so that it encloses completely the cross section of the input volume mesh marking as dead the cells outside the volume.

Definition at line 40 of file MiGridPlaneSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk.h.

◆ MiPlaneSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk

MeshViz Plane slice extractor for hexahedron IJK volume meshes

A plane slice is the intersection of a given plane with the mesh volume. The extracted plane slice is an unstructured surface.

Definition at line 38 of file MiPlaneSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk.h.

◆ MiSphereSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk

MeshViz Sphere slice extractor for hexahedron IJK volume meshes

A sphere slice is the intersection of a given sphere with the mesh volume. The extracted sphere slice is an unstructured surface mesh.

Additional data sets can be mapped onto this extracted surface by calling the extractScalarSet() or extractVec3Set() methods.

The following sample code shows how to extract a sphere slice from a mesh:

const MeXSurfaceMeshUnstructured& sphereSlice =
sphereSliceExtract->extractSlice(center,radius, NULL);
SoDEPRECATED MiSphereSliceExtractHexahedronIjk MiSphereSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extMV.gif" alt="MeshViz" border="0"></a> Sphere slice extractor f...

Definition at line 56 of file MiSphereSliceExtractUnstructuredIjk.h.