Class SoTextDetail

    • Constructor Detail

      • SoTextDetail

        public SoTextDetail()
    • Method Detail

      • setStringIndex

        public void setStringIndex​(int i)
      • getCharacterIndex

        public int getCharacterIndex()
        Returns the index of the relevant character within the string. For example, if the character of detail was the "u" within "Splurmph", the character index would be 3.
      • copy

        public SoDetail copy()
        Returns an instance that is a copy of this instance. The caller is responsible for deleting the copy when it is no longer needed.
        copy in class SoDetail
      • setCharacterIndex

        public void setCharacterIndex​(int i)
      • getStringIndex

        public int getStringIndex()
        Returns the index of the relevant string within a multiple-value string field of a text node.