Class SoTextureUnitElement

  • public class SoTextureUnitElement
    extends SoAccumulatedElement
    Stores the current texture unit identifier. This element stores the the current texture unit identifier.

    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getMaxTextureUnit

        public static int getMaxTextureUnit()
        Calls getMaxTextureUnit((com.openinventor.inventor.misc.SoState)null).
      • activateTextureUnit

        public static boolean activateTextureUnit​(SoState state,
                                                  int unit)
        Activates the current texture if it exists. Returned value indicates if it is successful.
      • set

        public static void set​(SoState state,
                               SoNode node,
                               int unit)
        Sets the current texture unit.
      • getActiveTextureUnit

        public static int getActiveTextureUnit​(SoState state)
        Returns the current active texture unit (the last texture unit set).
      • getClassStackIndex

        public static int getClassStackIndex()
        As of Open Inventor replaced by SoElement.getClassStackIndex(Class)
        Returns the stack id for this element. ] *
      • getMaxTextureUnit

        public static int getMaxTextureUnit​(SoState state)
        Returns the maximum texture units.