Class SoMouseButtonEvent

    • Constructor Detail

      • SoMouseButtonEvent

        public SoMouseButtonEvent()
    • Method Detail

      • isButtonPressEvent

        public static boolean isButtonPressEvent​(SoEvent e,
                                                 SoMouseButtonEvent.Buttons whichButton)
        Returns whether the passed event is a mouse button press event of the passed button. When SoMouseButtonEvent.ANY is passed, this returns true if the event represents a button press of any mouse button.
      • isButtonDoubleClickEvent

        public static boolean isButtonDoubleClickEvent​(SoEvent e,
                                                       SoMouseButtonEvent.Buttons whichButton)
        Returns whether the passed event is a mouse button double click event of the passed button. When SoMouseButtonEvent.ANY is passed, this returns true if the event represents a double click of any mouse button.
      • isButtonReleaseEvent

        public static boolean isButtonReleaseEvent​(SoEvent e,
                                                   SoMouseButtonEvent.Buttons whichButton)
        Returns whether the passed event is a mouse button release event of the passed button. When SoMouseButtonEvent.ANY is passed, this returns true if the event represents a button release of any mouse button.