Uses of Package
Packages that use com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents Package Description com.openinventor.inventor Open Inventor is an object-oriented and OpenGL-based API for real-time 3D Viewer components contains helpful tools to implement a custom Viewer components nodes independent from graphical user IvTune is an extensible, interactive tool that allows the user to inspect and modify Open Inventor scene graphs, even in a running application Provides some nodes and helper classes specifically created to facilitate implementation of medical applications. -
Classes in com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents used by com.openinventor.inventor Class Description SiRenderArea RenderArea interface.SiRenderArea.ClearPolicies Policy values to clear color and depth buffers beforing rendering.SiRenderArea.RenderEventArg Structure given when a start render event is raised.SiRenderArea.RenderStatus Returned by the render method.SiRenderAreaAntialiasing RenderArea antialiasing interface.SiRenderAreaTransparency RenderArea transparency interface.SoRenderAreaCore (Preview Feature) Utility class to render a scene with an OpenGl context. -
Classes in com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents used by com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents Class Description SiRenderArea RenderArea interface.SiRenderArea.ClearPolicies Policy values to clear color and depth buffers beforing rendering.SiRenderArea.RenderEventArg Structure given when a start render event is raised.SiRenderArea.RenderStatus Returned by the render method.SiRenderAreaAntialiasing RenderArea antialiasing interface.SiRenderAreaInteractive RenderArea interactive interface.SiRenderAreaStereo RenderArea stereo interface.SiRenderAreaStillSuperSampling RenderArea still supersampling interface.SiRenderAreaTransparency RenderArea transparency interface.SoCameraInteractor Utility class to manipulate a camera.SoEventBuilder Utility class that generates Open Inventor events.SoInterlacedStereoParameters.InterlacedModes Interlaced modes.SoStereoParameters Stereo parameters base class. -
Classes in com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents used by com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.nodes Class Description SoCameraInteractor Utility class to manipulate a camera. -
Classes in com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents used by com.openinventor.ivtune Class Description SoRenderAreaCore (Preview Feature) Utility class to render a scene with an OpenGl context. -
Classes in com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents used by com.openinventor.medical.helpers Class Description SoCameraInteractor Utility class to manipulate a camera.