Package com.openinventor.inventor
Open Inventor is an object-oriented and OpenGL-based API for real-time 3D visualization.
Interface Summary Interface Description IntegerValuedEnum SafeDisposable Defines an object which can be disposed in a safe manner to release unmanaged resources.SbEventArg Interface for all event arguments.SbEventListener<E extends SbEventArg> A tagging interface that all inventor event listener interfaces must extend.SoGeneralPath Manage a full path or a regular path.SoGetView SoNodeKitPath Manage a chain of nodes that can be only instance of nodekit (seeSoBaseKit
) except for the first (head) that can be any node.SoSceneManager.AbortRenderTask -
Class Summary Class Description IntegerValuedEnumHelper Inventor The Inventor class is the super class for all inventor classes.SbBasic The SbBasic class is the super class for all inventor basic classes (not It allows a full Java object representation.SbBox2d 2D box class.SbBox2f 2D box class.SbBox2i32 2D box class.SbBox2s 2D box class.SbBox3d 3D box class.SbBox3f 3D box class.SbBox3i32 3D box class.SbBox3s 3D box class.SbBox4i32 4D box class.SbColor Color vector class.SbColorRGBA ColorRGBA vector class.SbCPUID SbCylinder Class for representing a cylinder.SbDataType Class encoding a data type.SbElapsedTime Class for measuring elapsed time with high resolution.SbEventHandler<E extends SbEventArg> Base abstract class for all event handler.SbLine Directed line in 3D.SbLined Directed line in 3D (double precision).SbMatrix 4x4 matrix class.SbMatrix.Decomposition SbMatrix.Factorization SbMatrix3 3x3 matrix class.SbMatrixd 4x4 matrix class (double precision).SbMatrixd.Decomposition SbMatrixd.Factorization SbPlane Oriented plane in 3D.SbRotation Class for representing a rotation.SbRotation.AxisAngle SbRotationd Class for representing a rotation (double precision).SbRotationd.AxisAngle SbSphere Class for representing a sphere.SbTime Class for representation of a time.SbTime.TimeVal SbVec2d 2D vector class (double precision).SbVec2f 2D vector class.SbVec2i32 2D vector class.SbVec2s 2D vector class.SbVec3d 3D vector class (double precision).SbVec3f 3D vector class.SbVec3i32 3D vector class.SbVec3s 3D vector class.SbVec4b 4D vector class.SbVec4d 4D vector class (double precision).SbVec4f 4D vector class.SbVec4i32 4D vector class.SbVec4s 4D vector class.SbVec4ub 4D vector class.SbVec4ui32 4D vector class.SbVec4us 4D vector class.SbVertexAttributeBinding Class encoding a binding type.SbViewportRegion Class for representing a viewport.SbViewVolume 3D viewing volume class.SbViewVolume.Matrices SbXfBox3d 3D box with an associated transformation matrix.SbXfBox3f 3D box with an associated transformation matrix.SoDB Scene graph database class.SoInput Used to read Open Inventor data files.SoInputParameters Base class for file reader parameters.SoInputReader Base class for custom readers that create an Open Inventor scene graph.SoModuleCheck Class used to check and report library and application consistency.SoOffscreenRenderArea Render to an off-screen buffer for printing or generating textures.SoOffscreenRenderArea.EventArg Event that can be sent to the application for each tile rendered.SoOutput Used to write Open Inventor data files.SoPath A path represents a scene graph or subgraph.SoPickedPoint Represents point on surface of picked object.SoPreferences Manages Open Inventor configuration parameters.SoPrimitiveVertex Represents a vertex of a generated primitive.SoProgressIndicator Class for reporting progress of a task.SoProgressIndicator.StepEventArg Class given to callback when an onEndStep is raised.SoProgressIndicator.SubTaskEventArg Class given to callback when onBeginSubTask/onEndSubTask are raised.SoProgressIndicator.TaskEventArg Class given to callback when onBeginTask/onEndTask are raised.SoSceneManager Manages scene graph rendering and event handling. -
Enum Summary Enum Description Axis Specification of either an X, a Y or a Z axis.Inventor.ConstructorCommand SbDataType.DataTypes Supported Data type.SbVertexAttributeBinding.Bindings Supported Bindings.SbViewVolume.ProjectionTypes Projection type.SbViewVolume.StereoModes Stereo Modes.SoDB.RenderCacheModes Deprecated. As of Open Inventor Describes the format of the rendering output.SoOutput.FileProperties This enum defines the properties used when data are written to a file.SoOutput.Stages SoSceneManager.AntialiasingModes Enum which indicates the desired antialiasing algorithm.