Class PoLogAxis

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PoLogAxis
    extends PoCartesianAxis
    Class to build a logarithmic axis. This class builds a logarithmic axis. This axis will be generated between the point start to the point end. The graduations will be in the plane given by the user (cf type field). For instance, it can be used for building a logarithmic axis in the plane XY, with the first decade graduation being 10E3 and the last decade graduation being 10E8. Graduation values are: 10E3, 10E4, 10E5, ...,10E8): gradStart = 3, gradEnd = 8 plane = XY and maxGradNum > 8. If maxGradNum = 4, the graduations values are 10E3, 10E5 and 10E7. If the fields gradStart and gradEnd are equal, the fields start and end are used to define the graduation values.

    File format/default:

    PoLogAxis {

      gradVisibility VISILITY_DEPEND
      gradPosition GRAD_DEPEND
      gradPath PATH_DEPEND
      gradFontName ""
      gradFontSize 0
      gradDistAxis 0
      gradAddStringVisibility false
      gradAddString ""
      marginType REL_MARGIN
      marginStart 0
      marginEnd 0
      maxGradNum 10
      titleVisibility VISILITY_DEPEND
      titlePosition TITLE_DEPEND
      titlePath PATH_DEPEND
      titleFontName ""
      titleFontSize 0
      titleDistAxis 0
      titleString ""
      gridVisibility VISILITY_DEPEND
      gridLengthGradSide 0
      gridLengthGradOtherSide 1
      arrowVisibility VISIBILITY_DEPEND
      arrowHeight 0.03
      arrowLength 0.05
      tickVisibility VISIBILITY_DEPEND
      tickPosition TICK_GRAD_SIDE
      tickMainLength 0
      tickSubLength 0
      tickSubDef PERIOD_MAIN_TICK
      tickNumOrPeriod 1
      tickFirstGrad 1
      tickLastGrad 1
      reverseFlag AXIS_REVERSE_DEPEND
      start 0 0 0
      end 1
      type XY
      gradStart 0
      gradEnd 0
      decadeListDef DECADE_LIST_AUTO
      decadeList 2
      tenPowerRep TEN_POWER_POW10
      decadeRep DECADE_NONE
      decadeFontName ""
      decadeFontSize 0
      multFactorPosition MULT_FACTOR_END
      multFactorDistAxis 0

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"> <html> <head> <link REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="../../stylesheet.css" TITLE="Style"> <title></title> </head> <BODY> <h1></h1> <h4> <A NAME="Heading553">CATALOG PARTS</A></h4> <ul><b>PoLogAxis</b> {</ul> <ul><ul><b>Separator</b> <tt>alternateRep</tt> (from PoBase) {<br> </ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><b>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>appearance</tt> (from PoBase)</ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><i>Specifies the appearance of all the kit. By default lightModel.model=BASE_COLOR.</i></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><b>MatrixTransform</b> <tt>domainTransform</tt> (from PoBase)</ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><i>Corresponds to the domain transformation.</i></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><b>MatrixTransform</b> <tt>transform</tt> (from PoAxis)</ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><i>Corresponds to the axis plane orientation matrix.</i></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><b>Separator</b> <tt>bodySep</tt> (from PoAxis) {</ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><i>Contains properties and shapes to draw the body of the axis.</i></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><b>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>bodyApp </tt>(from PoAxis)</ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><i>Specifies the appearance of the body of the axis.</i></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><b>Group</b> <tt>body </tt>(from PoAxis)</ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><i>Contains a SoLineSet shape to draw the body of the axis.</i></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul>}<br> <br> <b>Separator</b> <tt>arrowSep</tt> (from PoAxis) {</ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><i>Contains properties and shapes to draw the arrow.</i></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><b>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>arrowApp </tt>(from PoAxis)</ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><i>Specifies the appearance of the arrow.</i></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><b>Group</b> <tt>arrow </tt>(from PoAxis)</ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><i>Contains a SoFaceSet shape to draw the arrow.</i></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul>}<br> <br> <b>Separator</b> <tt>subGradTickSep</tt> (from PoAxis) {</ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><i>Contains properties and shapes to draw sub-graduation tick.</i></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><b>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>subGradTickApp </tt>(from PoAxis)</ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><i>Specifies the appearance of sub-graduation tick.</i></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><b>Group</b> <tt>subGradTick </tt>(from PoAxis)</ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><i>Contains a SoLineSet shape to draw sub-graduation tick.</i></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul>}<br> <br> <b>Separator</b> <tt>subGradGridSep</tt> (from PoAxis){</ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><i>Contains properties and shapes to draw sub-graduation grid.</i></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><b>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>subGradGridApp </tt>(from PoAxis)</ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><i>Specifies the appearance of sub-graduation grid.</i></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><b>Group</b> <tt>subGradGrid </tt>(from PoAxis)</ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><i>Contains a SoLineSet shape to draw sub-graduation grid.</i></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul>}<br> <br> <b>Separator</b> <tt>mainGradTickSep</tt> (from PoAxis){</ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><i>Contains properties and shapes to draw main-graduation tick.</i></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><b>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>mainGradTickApp </tt>(from PoAxis)</ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><i>Specifies the appearance of main-graduation tick.</i></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><b>Group</b> <tt>mainGradTick </tt>(from PoAxis)</ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><i>Contains a SoLineSet shape to draw main-graduation tick.</i></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul>}<br> <br> <b>Separator</b> <tt>mainGradGridSep</tt> (from PoAxis){</ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><i>Contains properties and shapes to draw main-graduation grid.</i></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><b>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>mainGradGridApp </tt>(from PoAxis)</ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><i>Specifies the appearance of main-graduation grid.</i></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><b>Group</b> <tt>mainGradGrid </tt>(from PoAxis)</ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><i>Contains a SoLineSet shape to draw main-graduation grid.</i></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul>}<br> <br> <b>Separator</b> <tt>mainGradTextSep</tt> (from PoAxis) {</ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><i>Contains properties and shapes to draw main-graduation text.</i></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><b>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>mainGradTextApp </tt>(from PoAxis)</ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><i>Specifies the appearance of main-graduation text. By default font.size and are set when the kit is rebuilt.</i></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><b>Group</b> <tt>mainGradText </tt>(from PoAxis)</ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><i>Contains a list of SoAnnoText3 shapes to draw main-graduation text.</i></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul>}<br> <br> <b>Separator</b> <tt>titleSep</tt> (from PoAxis) {</ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><i>Contains properties and shapes to draw title text.</i></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><b>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>titleApp </tt>(from PoAxis)</ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><i>Specifies the appearance of title text. By default font.size and are set when the kit is rebuilt.</i></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><b>Group</b> <tt>title </tt>(from PoAxis)</ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><i>Contains a SoAnnoText3 shape to draw title.</i></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul>}<br> <br> <b>Separator</b> <tt>multFactorSep</tt> {</ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><i>Contains properties and shapes to draw multiplicative factor.</i></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><b>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>multFactorApp</tt></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><i>Specifies the appearance of multiplicative factor. By default font.size and are set when the kit is rebuilt.</i></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><b>Group</b> <tt>multFactor</tt></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><i>Contains a list of SoAnnoText3 shape to draw multiplicative factor.</i></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul>}<br> <br> <b>Separator</b> <tt>decadeTextSep </tt>{</ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><i>Contains properties and shapes to draw decade text.</i></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><b>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>decadeTextApp</tt></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><i>Specifies the appearance of decade text. By default font.size and are set when the kit is rebuilt.</i></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><b>Group</b> <tt>decadeText</tt></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul><i>Contains a list of SoAnnoText3 shape to draw decade text.</i></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul>}</ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul>}</ul></ul> <ul>}</ul> <ul><ul><br> </ul></ul> </body> </html>

    • Field Detail

      • decadeList

        public final SoMFUShort decadeList
        List of graduations between two power of ten graduations (decade graduations). For each integer value i of decadeList, 2 <= i <= 9, only the 8 first values of decadeList are used. This field is used to build the axis only if decadeListDef = DECADE_LIST_NON_AUTO.
      • decadeListDef

        public final SoSFEnum<PoLogAxis.DecadeListDefs> decadeListDef
        Specifies if the list of decade graduations is given by the user or is automatically computed.
      • decadeRep

        public final SoSFEnum<PoLogAxis.DecadeReps> decadeRep
        Defines the representation of the decade graduations between two power of ten graduations.
      • decadeFontName

        public final SoSFString decadeFontName
        Decade font name. If the font is equal to its default value, the font used is the font of the current miscellaneous text attributes (cf PoAxis description).
      • decadeFontSize

        public final SoSFFloat decadeFontSize
        Decade graduations font size. If this value is <= 0, the font size is fixed at 0.04 if the graduations do not cross each other. This value is a percentage of the current domain (cf PoBase description).
      • multFactorDistAxis

        public final SoSFFloat multFactorDistAxis
        Distance from the multiplicative factor to the axis. This value is a percentage of the current domain (cf PoBase description). If this value is <= 0, the distance is automatically calculated.
      • maxGradNum

        public final SoSFUShort maxGradNum
        Maximum number of logarithmic graduations displayed. For example, a logarithmic axis with range 0 to 100 will have 101 graduations if this value is > 100. But that would generate an axis with too many small illegible graduations. If maxGradNum is set to 10, less than 10 logarithmic graduations are displayed like 10E0, 10E10, 10E20, ... 10E90.

        In order to make the axis as legible as possible, when some main logarithmic graduations are filtered out by this field, no decade graduations are displayed.

        Default value is 10.

    • Constructor Detail

      • PoLogAxis

        public PoLogAxis​(SbVec3f _start,
                         float _end,
                         PoCartesianAxis.Types _type,
                         float _gradStart,
                         float _gradEnd)
        Calls PoLogAxis(_start, _end, _type, _gradStart, _gradEnd, PoLogAxis.DecadeListDefs.valueOf( PoLogAxis.DecadeListDefs.DECADE_LIST_AUTO.getValue() ), (short[])null).
      • PoLogAxis

        public PoLogAxis​(SbVec3f _start,
                         float _end,
                         PoCartesianAxis.Types _type,
                         float _gradStart,
                         float _gradEnd,
                         PoLogAxis.DecadeListDefs _decadeListDef)
        Calls PoLogAxis(_start, _end, _type, _gradStart, _gradEnd, _decadeListDef, (short[])null).
      • PoLogAxis

        public PoLogAxis​(SbVec3f _start,
                         float _end,
                         PoCartesianAxis.Types _type)
        Calls PoLogAxis(_start, _end, _type, PoLogAxis.DecadeListDefs.valueOf( PoLogAxis.DecadeListDefs.DECADE_LIST_AUTO.getValue() ), (short[])null).
      • PoLogAxis

        public PoLogAxis()
    • Method Detail

      • getMultFactor

        public PoLogAxis.MultFactor getMultFactor()
        Returns the current multiplicative factor attributes (those computed can be different from the associated fields).
      • getLogGrad

        public PoLogAxis.GradAttributes getLogGrad()
        Returns the current logarithmic graduations attributes (those computed can be different from the associated fields).